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  • Jun 26, 2013, 04:44 AM
    Is it sinful marrying a Hindu girl?

    I am writing to you,because I am in a great dilemma or confusion.I am a sunni muslim boyl and I am in love with a Hindu choudhary girl.I want to marry her.But my parents and other relatives are objecting.They say its very sinful marrying a hindu girl.Allah will punish you and you will not be happy since you will face many problems at the society front.
    I care a damn about the society,I am just worried about my parents... I just want them to accept me.If I want to be confident enough(proofs),to convince them.My parents keep blackmailing me that,we have done so much for you,how can you even think of this thing... what about our respect in the society and all.My father says if you marry against our wish we will die... I am really in a very painful situation.

    I want you to help me in this.Please tell me is it sinful marrying a Hindu girl?According to the documents which are present in your site, what I have understood that actually Hinduism does not support idol worship and its part of Islam... Its the people who are following it in a wrong way... This girl also wants to accept the islam religion... she is just a Hindu by name... she says I can continue with my worship... she doesn't mind... she doesn't mind If she wear burqa also... she is a very nice girl from heart... she is a very kind,honest and believes more in actions than just praying... she says you do hardwork and you get it... she also says that Islam is a peaceful religion... So please tell me can I marry her?Will Allah punish me if I marry her?If I can marry her,Please tell me how can I convince my parents?
  • Jun 26, 2013, 06:19 AM
    First of all yes it is against islam to marry idol worshipper, hindu or anybody else. Second who ever told you that idol worshipping is not part of hindu culture is utterly lie. Idol worship is the most ancient hindu rituals, right from vedas. The shiv linga worship is from of idol worship mentioned in the all ancient text of hindus and there are many other such examples. Second thing is it seems that the girl is very giving in this relationship and your parents or relatives still not ready to accept her. This will create more issues for you in future. Also marrying a someone from other religion will not consider as marriage but as zina or sin. Your parents seems to be headstrong and if you ready to sacrifice them, then go ahead. But I would suggest do not marry because in islam thing will get really complicated for all of you.
  • Jul 2, 2013, 02:04 PM
    Hello Sahazada,

    You parents are corrct about this, if the girl is welling to conert to islam and you get your parent approval then you can marry her, for more in formation please open the link below, good luck.

    Can a Muslim Man Marry a Hindu Woman? 

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