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  • Feb 20, 2007, 03:23 PM
    Newly Wed.and nothing going on
    Hello, My husband and I have been married for about 6 months now. That would be all well and good except that because of circumstances out of our control, we needed to move in with my parents for about a year. That has not been a big problem. They give us our space and respect our position and how strange it must be. My husband really likes his work right now and spends most every waking moment on his computer. That also wouldn't bother me except, that recently, it literally has been all he does. The problem is, he's completely ignoring me. We don't touch or kiss anymore. We don't work in the same room anymore, because he " needed more space". And worst of all we no longer have sex. In fact, the last two times we've tried(which was 3 weeks ago) He literally stopped half way through saying he "just wasn't in the mood anymore". That as you may expect made me feel pretty rejected and I haven't tried again since. So he still spends every moment he has on his computer. I've tried to talk to him about how I feel and all he can say is he's just feeling depressed right now and doesn't know why. I want to help him, but every time I say anything I get the impression he doesn't want my advise. I don't know what to do. We're supposed to be newlyweds, unable to keep our hands off each other. But every night we exchange a quick greeting, then its lights off. I just want my husband back. I want to feel needed again.
  • Mar 3, 2007, 11:30 PM
    I read your posting and just wanted to say that I can relate.. I have been married for almost 3 years now and when we first got married things were fine and then very quickly died down.. About the same time where you are at.. I have found that talking didn't help... Action was better.
    Some men like it when women take control of a situation... Dont let him say that he is too tired and not in the mood.. take control of the situation.. try to seduce him.. I understand that you are living with your parents and may not have all the privacy you could.. but talk to them and see if you can have the house for and evening or even rent a hotel room.. when there is a will there is a way..
    I guess it really all depends on the type of man that he is.. my husband grew up in a home where affection was not displayed in public, but when I spoke to him about my feelings he just said that he needed me to teach him to be more affectionate and sexual.
    Try something new.. the worst that could happen is that he will tell you that he is not in the mood... and you've already been there so why not give it a try

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