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  • Jan 28, 2007, 01:31 PM
    Convicted Felon
    Hello All I have a federal felony for Bank Fraud. I'm currentlty on probatin and It will end December 2008. So my felony will be on my record once my probation is over. Now I'm engaged and my Fiance' is enlisted in the United States Air Force. His orders will send him oversea's More than likely to German or Itila. My question is will I have a problem going with him? We plan to marry before he is sent oversea's.
  • Jan 28, 2007, 03:14 PM

    Originally Posted by kbaker1
    My question is will I have a problem going with him?

    Hello kb:

    I think you could have a problem. Talk to your PO. They get very nervous when you leave the state for a weekend. I'll bet they have a heart attack when you tell them you want to LIVE overseas.

  • Jan 28, 2007, 03:44 PM
    First of course the person in the military will have notify her supervisor of your crime, it can effect to a level her security clearance. ( perhaps not but when I was with the government I had to report any person I was related to that had ever done a crime)

    On getting a visa to go into Germany it is possible that it could be an issue.

    Also it is very possible that the PO will not allow you to leave the county either.
  • Jan 29, 2007, 07:38 AM
    Did he just enlist in the Air Force? If so, he will have to finish basic training first 6-weeks at Lackland AFB, San Antonio TX. then technical school 3-4 months. Finally, the Air Force doesn't usually send new folks overseas.

    It does happen, but it's not the norm. Especially, if he only requests stateside bases on his "dream sheet." A "dream sheet" is a wish list one submits requesting certain bases. The Air Force tries to match ones request with openings based on rank and skill level. All Air Force personnel must submit a "dream sheet."

    Concerning probation, I'm not an expert on this subject. However, don't expect to go overseas during his first 3-years. In addition, Germany and Italy are choice assignments and difficult to get anyway.
  • Jun 6, 2009, 11:05 AM

    I think before anyone with convictions worry about being able to "go with her/ his loved one" - he / she must first worry about the destination country. In your case, Germany. Worry first about their immigration regulations. Will they allow you in, with a conviction on your criminal record? Even if, for example, the USA / PO has issued you a passport, or allowed you to EXIT, the biggest problem you will have is: Will you be able to ENTER Germany / Italy? The worst that could happen is you get detained at some German / Italian Airport (since INTERPOL might flag you) and send you back, and even worse, with a ban on re-entering Germany / Italy for attempting to enter with a record. This is the worst scenario. I do not know German/Italian (or E.U for that matter) Immigration rules but be safe and find out first what their regulations are regarding entry to their country with a conviction through their consulates...
  • Jun 6, 2009, 11:12 AM
    You have two problems. Forget, for now the rules of where your fiancé works. This is not the issue. These are the issues:

    1. Will you be allowed to exit? Meaning, will your PO let you? Will you be issued a passport?

    Let's assume then that the above is cleared, you were allowed to exit.

    The next bigger problem is:

    2. Will they let you in Germany or Italy? The US has no more jurisdication in these countries so the decision is up to these countries. This is more hindering...
  • Oct 25, 2010, 08:56 PM
    A felony NEVER EVER comes off your record, sorry. It's there for life, unlike probation.

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