Am I wasting my time with him or wasting my time wondering?
Just call me dazed and confused! I 28 and have been in about a 6 month relationship. We've never really expressed that we love each other, which kind of bugs me but then again I don't want to put a time limit on things either. When asked if "this is the one?" I don't get that "gut feeling" that everyone says I will get. He spoils me, opens my doors, pays for everything and would NEVER lie or cheat. Sounds great right? But there's this one little side that I'm so confused about. He gets angry very easily. But, I don't know if it's just me being too sensitive, if I'm expecting too much or if maybe it's small signs that I'm with the wrong one? So you want examples? I went over there the other night and was complaining about a friend and his response was sweet until about an hour later. He said "I've always got issues. He named a bunch and said I'm a drama queen and he's never in his life dated a girl with this much drama." If we are pushed for time, he complains the whole way to the restaurant and will yell and tailgait drivers because they are in the way. I try to drive but "I drive too slow." We got in an argument a couple of weeks ago and his response "go on, get the hell out of here" and he drove off. He has called me bipolar at times just because I cry when we fight. I will call all happy during the day and he'll sometimes respond with "baby, I'm not in the mood to be all giddy. I gotta go." And, it hurts me. Yes, your getting my side of the story only and I've said and done some things as well, but I'm so confused. I literally don't know what mood he's going to be in and it take such minor things to set him off. He even complains about my freaking couches! Go buy me some then... darn! I'm not young and feel pressured to find my "one" but don't want to make a mistake and waste my time. There is just such slim pickings out there. I don't want to start over again, but a part of me feels like I deserve so much better.