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  • Jan 25, 2020, 12:10 PM
    Fraudulent Misrepresentatioin
    I need guidance on two issues.
    1. My exhusband and I had a special entry written to submit to the court stating should our daughters school deny her open enrollment he will be the residential parent for uses of school purposes only. He went to a notary and signed and I went to a different notary at a different time and signed. I then gave him the document to take too the court. After I signed and notarized and returned the document to him he made changes too the document, crossing off the "for school purposes only"and then submitted it to the court. What can I do?

    2. By chance I recently became aware that My children's step mother has been fraudulently signing medical, dental and school consents for my children. She is signing as their biological mother and has removed me. She has been doing this for two years without my knowing. She is not a legal guardian or power of atty. She is also an employee of the school of which they attend. She has used the school computer system to access my childrens records and make changes. My exhusband and I have full and equal rights to the kids. How can I handle this?
  • Jan 25, 2020, 02:08 PM
    You don't need to keep posting the same question over and over.
    Someone with appropriate knowledge will be along shortly.
  • Jan 25, 2020, 02:16 PM
    I did not mean to. I kept receiving an error message and did not realize they were posting. My apologies!
  • Jan 26, 2020, 01:21 AM
    You need a hearing with school officials to get this cleared up and possibly a lawyer to deal with your issues. They are many, but start with talking to the school and have whatever court orders you have with you. Did you have a lawyer for this divorce? My question is why is your ex husband going along with this? I suspect there is more to the story and strongly recommend you speak with your divorce lawyer, if you have one.
  • Jan 26, 2020, 08:18 AM
    From PM/CJONES79


    Thank you for your reply.

    We divorced many years ago and we both had legal representation.

    I am in the process of obtaining a lawyer again and in the meantime I went to the courthouse to pick up copies of all our orders; this is how I learned that he changed the notarized special entry after I had it notarized.
    I have attempted to work with the school but have not been successful. They have our orders on file and are disregarding. His wife works at the school. I have letters and orders that I am sending to the school, physicians, dentist, etc. I am also enclosing Hipaa and FERPA laws.

    Why is he allowing this? Is the question that both my family and I are asking. I do not believe he thought that I would ever know and if I did find out I do not think he thought I would do anything about it.

    I strongly advise patience through this process as it's both tedious and time consuming but consider also going beyond the school to the school district if they have one. Most PUBLIC schools do and is an option. A lawyer is a great idea but gain solace in the fact that you are hardly alone sorting out a messy divorce and it could take YEARS of litigation.

    Hope you don't mind me making your PM a part of the thread so everyone can have the same details by which to suggest, help, and support your efforts.

  • Jan 26, 2020, 10:00 AM
    In the certified letter I am sending to the school it states clearly that if we cannot rectify these issues I will be going directly to the Board of Ed.
  • Jan 26, 2020, 10:38 AM
    A signed statement with your signature, even notarized, is merely a suggested agreement until ruled upon and signed by the judge. So what does the court order, from those documents say. Also a document that is crossed out, must be initialed at the place it is marked out, and is subject to being challeneged. So you merely appear before the judge who issued a court order on the letters you sent, and ask for his court order to be vacated for fraud and ask for a new order.

    It is also common for a step parent (while perhaps not legal) to sign school and medical documents for step children, since someone has to do it and often the father is working and not able to sign as easily as the wife. Her marriage gives her no special legal rights, but it appears she is doing a moral duty to help care for the children. Is any of the care given improper, signed for a tattoo, or sex change or some other medical procedure you would disagree with.
  • Jan 26, 2020, 10:44 AM

    Originally Posted by Cjones79 View Post
    In the certified letter I am sending to the school it states clearly that if we cannot rectify these issues I will be going directly to the Board of Ed.

    Great plan.
  • Jan 26, 2020, 01:06 PM
    Working together for the best interest of the children is great. However, withholding insurance cards from the biological mother who has always obtained full custody, completely removing the bio mother from the child’s record and completing forms putting herself as the parent then consenting to treatment without informing the bio mother is a problem.
  • Mar 25, 2020, 08:32 AM
    Sorry for taking so long but if you still need an answer then here is what you might want to ask a local attorney in your area.

    1) If there is something crossed off of a document then there also should be initials of those involved. If the document was altered then he altered an original document as seen by the notary. Did you take a picture of the document before you gave it to him?

    2) Depending on what state your in there may be some gaurdianship rights for the spouse of the custodial parent. But your name should still be on file at the school. You could go there with your court orders and present them if they have a question and make sure that you are on file.

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