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  • Mar 6, 2009, 09:33 AM
    Shoplifting at Walmart
    I am a 20 male, part-time employed, college student. I got caught stealing from Walmart. I say that without having any feeling of shame or regret, because of my own views of the corporate world. But that's beside the point. The total dollar amount of the stuff I got caught stealing was around 20 dollars, and as I was trying to walk out I was approached by a security guy who has asked me if I paid for the "stuff in my pocket" At first I tried to tell them that I walked in with it but that did not work too well. I went off to the office where I was asked for ID, which I told them I did not have. When I told them that I do not have any ID on me they said that they would call the cops. Now, cops were the last thing I wanted to deal with at that point so I just complied from then on. They took all my information and told me I was off the hook basically. The manager told me they will give me a second chance and that if I am caught again I will be prosecuted. I did not even get trespassing warning, so I can go back to the same store and shop again. They also asked me if I have a job, to which I replied "no, are you guys hiring?" They did not laugh (I thought it was hilarious). But I digress again.

    My question is this, does this incident go on my permanent record? If I try to get a government job, for example, will they ever find out about this incident by running a background check? Also, do you think I will receive a letter from Walmart asking me to pay fines, or am I off the hook completely?
  • Mar 6, 2009, 09:39 AM

    I'm sure with your view about the corporate world you won't ever want to work there (in the corporate world) so why does it matter?
  • Mar 6, 2009, 09:41 AM

    If they did not report it outside the store records, then no.

    But it seems to me you are being somewhat hypocritical here. First you claim to have no regret for breaking the law. But then you are concerned that your indiscretion should affect your future careeer opportunities.

    I don't care what you feel about "the corporate world". There is no justification for stealing. Your lack of morals is not going to mean a great future for you.
  • Mar 6, 2009, 09:53 AM

    Please don't preach about morals. I would never steal from another person. Taking from a corporation that has benefits in excess of god knows how many billions and fails to provide medical insurance or competitive pay to the employees is not immoral. My actions do not result in anyone's feelings being hurt. Your views about morality and civil obedience have blurred into one.

    But really, I do not want to be an and act cocky here. I'm sorry if I sound like I am, but that's just how I view the world. Also, I do not want to have a job in a corporate world. That's just about the last thing I'd want. I was asking a out a government job. And yes, I know that government in more ways than not is being run by corporations these days.
  • Mar 6, 2009, 09:56 AM

    And please don't preach how your questions should or should not be answered or use this board as a platform to express your ideas.

    If you want to carry on a discussion of when/if/he stealing is an acceptable form of revenge (or whatever your argument is), this should be moved to the discussion board.

    If you want legal advice, you already got it.

    Do you appear cocky? No. Obnoxious? Yes. Oh, and I own a store.
  • Mar 6, 2009, 10:01 AM

    Originally Posted by NoWhereToGo View Post
    Please don't preach about morals. I would never steal from another person. Taking from a corporation that has benefits in excess of god knows how many billions and fails to provide medical insurance or competitive pay to the employees is not immoral. My actions do not result in anyone's feelings being hurt. .

    I also think that Walmart's labor practices are reprehensible. That is why I refuse to shop there.

    Shoplifting lowers you to their level.
  • Mar 6, 2009, 10:02 AM

    Originally Posted by jjwoodhull View Post
    I also think that Walmart's labor practices are reprehensible. That is why I refuse to shop there.

    Shoplifting lowers you to their level.

    That might be a better practice than shoplifting which further lowers their profit margin and very effectively guarantees Walmart will NEVER provide health insurance and be able to claim financial problems.
  • Mar 6, 2009, 10:02 AM

    Originally Posted by NoWhereToGo View Post
    Please don't preach about morals. I would never steal from another person. Taking from a corporation that has benefits in excess of god knows how many billions and fails to provide medical insurance or competitive pay to the employees is not immoral. My actions do not result in anyone's feelings being hurt. Your views about morality and civil obedience have blurred into one.

    Sorry but you have not thought this out very well. Two wrongs don't make a right. Whatever your feelings about the way WalMart treats its employees, does not, in any way, shape or form, give you an excuse to steal from them.

    Stealing is immoral. It has been since the dawn of time. Or at least since Moses bought the commandments down from the Mount. What you fail to understand is how corporations deal with stealing. They deal with it by reducing their taxes for inventory losses. They deal with it by raising prices to compensate for those losses. So your actions DO result in people being hurt.
  • Mar 6, 2009, 10:02 AM

    I never preached about how my question should be answered. Besides, you never directly answered my question anyway. You just gave me attitude for my own personal views. Scott at least answered the question.
  • Mar 6, 2009, 12:47 PM

    You never stated where this WalMart was - in what state or what country. You could still be getting a letter from them demanding that you pay a fine. You're not in the clear yet.

    And yes, shoplifting hurts me by driving the prices up on goods being sold. If you took $20 from WalMart, how much did you take from the local drug store? Usually shoplifters are not just a one time thing. Sorry. I know better. And not being sorry for being caught was the dead give away on your part that this is an ongoing habit of yours.
  • Mar 6, 2009, 01:32 PM

    Stealing is still stealing,while I see your point about walmart it's still wrong. Giving the guy an attitude could have screwed you over,he might of said to himself,let me call the police to show this guy a lesson.I actually find it funny what you said,if you were arrested it's not worth the laugh man.
    Keep in my mind,the law doesn't care about your morals.Just if you break the law or not. A criminal conviction or even an arrest can affect you in the future. Stop stealing b.c eventually your going to get caught and have to deal w. all that crap.
  • Mar 7, 2009, 07:23 AM

    Originally Posted by NoWhereToGo View Post
    I am a 20 male, part-time employed, college student. I got caught stealing from Walmart. I say that without having any feeling of shame or regret, because of my own views of the corporate world. But that's beside the point.

    Hello No:

    Well, I'm going to preach, because I CAN.

    I'm a lot like you. When I looked at a bank, I didn't see people. All I saw was a stash of money. I'd NEVER steal from an individual - but a BANK, with NO personality was easy to justify...

    But, banks are owned by people. Yeah, some of 'em are rich, but some of 'em are just like your mom and dad - ordinary folks who you wouldn't rob. So, why're you robbing them?

    If you can distinguish between a person and an entity, and one is ripe for ripping off and the other isn't, you're going to find that THIS incident won't be your last.

  • Mar 7, 2009, 09:20 AM

    I am quite sure that Banks are insured up the for theft, so if they do get robbed, their insurance policies will pay out. But I'm not trying to justify robbing a bank here. As for small individual businesses, I would never commit crime against those either. It's the big corporations who exploit all that they can to make more money that need to be brought down. And yes, yes, lets remind me how shoplifting won't bring anything down.

    Thanks for all of your answers.
  • Mar 7, 2009, 09:35 AM

    Originally Posted by NoWhereToGo View Post
    I am quite sure that Banks are insured up the for theft, so if they do get robbed, their insurance policies will pay out. But I'm not trying to justify robbing a bank here. As for small individual businesses, I would never commit crime against those either. It's the big corporations who exploit all that they can to make more money that need to be brought down. And yes, yes, lets remind me how shoplifting won't bring anything down.

    Thanks for all of your answers.

    What does "shoplifting won't bring anything down" mean?

    You are a part-time college student? Paying for it or using grants/loans?
  • Mar 7, 2009, 09:40 AM

    Hello again, No:

    The point you're missing, is that somebody, a REAL person, like your mom and dad is LOSING. Yet, these people seem to be one's you'd NEVER commit a crime against.


    I know you think there's no loss, because they're insured...


    I guess people like your mom and dad don't own insurance company stock...


    You sound like you're not really stupid. But, what you're saying IS really stupid, if you think INDIVIDUAL people won't get hurt when you steal...

    I'm no fan of corporate America... But, if I wanted to BRING 'EM DOWN, I'd become a corporate LAWYER and then I'd ACTUALLY bring 'em down.

    What I wouldn't do, is steal from them and put myself in jail. That'll show 'em, yeahhh.

    I think you really just want to justify your stealing... M,kay.

  • Mar 7, 2009, 10:06 AM
    Why worry about having this on a record? A person who sees violating the law as morally justified by personal beliefs, cherry picks, who then escapes the legal system through a "loophole" (police weren't involved, no legal record) should be right at home with a run for government office... wouldn't such a record be almost a merit badge?


    I say that without having any feeling of shame or regret, because of my own views of the corporate world. But that's beside the point.
    this is why you were railed. If its beside the point, you didn't need to hang that over the plate. You hit first and then expected others to walk away based on your personal demands.

    Had you stuck to the facts alone, there wouldve been little to no backlash.
  • Mar 7, 2009, 02:58 PM

    Originally Posted by NoWhereToGo View Post
    I am quite sure that Banks are insured up the for theft, so if they do get robbed, their insurance policies will pay out. But I'm not trying to justify robbing a bank here. As for small individual businesses, I would never commit crime against those either. It's the big corporations who exploit all that they can to make more money that need to be brought down. And yes, yes, lets remind me how shoplifting won't bring anything down.

    Thanks for all of your answers.

    Again, your diatribes show your ignorance. Do you think insurance just grows on trees? If an insurance company pays out claims as a result of theft, then they may raise the insured's rates causing them to raise prices. If insurance companies have to pay out claims, they may raise their rates across the board, affec ting other people.

    While I don't dispute that big companies sometimes exploit for profit, where do you think that profit goes to? In fact, most large corporate ownership is held by large institutional investors like pension funds. So when stock values go down because of lower profits, then the value of 401Ks, IRAs and other institutional invester goes down.

    You are correct, your act of shoplifting $20 is not going to bring down a large retail entity. But your attitude may. If you rationalize that its OK to steal because its from a big, bad corporation, then you start down a slippery slope.

    Sorry my friend, but I suspect you have been taught by people with an agenda and have accepted their claptrap without thinking for yourself and getting ALL the facts.
  • Mar 7, 2009, 06:19 PM

    I got it, we can or others can steal from him and it will not matter, since he "steals" from others. So it should be OK for people to steal his stuff since he has not worked for it either.

    And with that said, I am closing this, since we all got off the legal aspect and it never was really a legal but a moral issue

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