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  • Jul 10, 2008, 07:28 PM
    Crystal C 82
    Is my 1953 Silver Certificate worth more than five bucks?
    I have come across a 1953 5 dollar bill. I have never seen one before. It is actually a silver certificate with a blue seal and blue print for the serial number. I don't have a lot of knowledge about these. Basically, I am wondering if it is worth more than the obvious 5 dollars? It has very little creases in it. The only real marks other than the print is the "validity marker" we used on it at work trying to determine whether it was fake. Bank said it was real. Any help?

  • Jul 10, 2008, 08:08 PM
    Flying Blue Eagle
    Crystal c 82 - What I need IN order to give you the answers, I need the fllowing information from you so I can get your answer, (#1) I need to know if there is a letter right after the date? ( #2 ) Both the Signatures off the front of the bill.? ( #3) Is there a *-STAR just before or after the serial number? There is some posdts on this site that gives what to look for in order to grade the currency:: THE SITE IS (1.9 HOW do you grade the condition of paper money ) Just as soon as I get your Answers, I or others on this site will get back to you, With answers for you .:: Have a good day andGOD BLESS F.B.E.
  • Jul 11, 2008, 02:14 AM
    Below, is the link and quote for the grading of your currency.

    Flying Blue Eagle does have the current documentation concerning the possible monetary values of coins and paper currency. As such, I am very glad that he is a member of this site.

    Concerning the grading of the conditions of paper currency, I have found what is quoted below from the following site to be very helpful. 1.9) How do you grade the condition of paper money?


    1.9) How do you grade the condition of paper money?

    The condition of a note is critical to its value. Lowering the
    grade of a note one notch can decrease its value by 1/3 or even
    1/2. An expensive note which falls between two categories might
    be worth a thousand dollars more in the higher category than the
    lower one. Thus, it's often important to be more precise than
    using a limited number of categories.

    But here's a general guideline. Note that many dealers have
    slightly different grading systems, especially with various
    sub-grades of uncirculated. There's no official system of grading,
    unfortunately. But these are pretty much universally accepted.
    I've received a lot of input and tried to hammer out the best
    descriptions for each category.

    Crisp Uncirculated, UNC or CU: This means absolutely not the
    slightest sign of any handling or wear or folding or *anything*.
    Some people use additional grades to distinguish qualities such
    as perfect centering or other printing characteristics. Certainly
    a note which has centering problems which are visible from a
    distance of 1 meter (3 feet) should have this mentioned in the
    condition description.

    Almost Uncirculated (or About Uncirculated), AU: This means there
    is a slightly detectable imperfection such as a counting fold on one
    corner or slightest fold in the center (nothing which breaks the
    surface of the paper) or a pinhole. At first glance it looks like
    an UNC note.

    Extremely Fine, EF or XF: Generally three light folds or one strong
    fold which breaks the surface. There may be slight rounding at the

    Very Fine, VF: May have several folds although the note is still
    crisp and has a minimum of dirt. There may be minor tears or very
    small holes but nothing which distracts from the overall appearance
    of the note. Take an uncirculated note and crumple it once in your
    hand, then flatten it out: this is a Very Fine note. Repeat the
    crumpling and it's still pretty much a VF note.

    Fine, F: A circulated note where individual folds and creases may
    no longer be visible. To distinguish this from a VF note, when
    inspecting a Fine note, it clearly does not look like a note which
    has merely been crumpled a few times: It doesn't have the crispness
    and brightness of a VF note. No tears may extend into the printing.
    This is your average in-the-wallet note.

    Very Good, VG: Tears and small holes can be present. The note is
    not crisp at all. The is your lower quality in-the-wallet note.
    Lots of people on the 'net don't realize that a note in "very good"
    condition is really pretty lousy.

    Good, G: Small pieces missing, graffiti. A worn out note.

    Fair: Major tears, etc. A badly worn out note.

    Poor: Even worse.

    To grade a note precisely, it can help to hold the note about
    20 cm (7 inches) under a strong light source (use the same source
    for comparing notes) and on top of a white piece of paper and
    use a 3x or 4x power magnifying glass. Make sure your hands are
    clean before handling a note. This method will show a lot of
    minor imperfections which are not normally visible.

    Note that note from many countries have standard features which
    exist for even Uncirculated notes. Some notes from Bangladesh,
    Bhutan, Burma/Myanmar, India, Nepal, and Pakistan are only found
    with staple holes where staples are always used to hold packs of
    notes together. Most dealers list Uncirculated notes of this type
    as having the usual staple holes (often abbreviated as uSH-UNC).

    Also, some notes printed in France (for about 15 different
    countries) have a slight crinkle effect.
  • Jul 22, 2008, 08:56 PM
    Flying Blue Eagle
    Crystal C 82 - I need the questions asked you in my first post above, if you will come back on the site and give them to me ,I will be very happy to answer your questions that you want to know about the $5.00 silver certificate you have . Thanks and have a very good day and GOD BLESS :: F.B.E.
  • Mar 13, 2009, 11:30 AM

    Crystal c82 (or whomever)
    I also have a 1953 (A) silver cert five dollar bill. No letter after the date. Signatures are (left) Ivy Belter Priest and (right) Guck... berry (?).
    It is in mint condition i.e. no folds, creases or marks, perfect corners and it is printed off center left&right (very off.. 5/16" left to 1/16 right) and top 1/8 to bottom 1/16". Does this matter and, why are some seals in slightly different positions over the word "FIVE"? This one is more to the left and top.
    Let me know what's up, Thanks
  • Mar 13, 2009, 11:51 PM
    Flying Blue Eagle

    bucmol and crystal c 82 _ here is the answers to your questions- but first let me say this ; it came up last year. Anderson did not take office -as "SECTUARY OF THE TREASURY "until 07/29/1957 until he passed away in 01/20/1961;; you will find several different denomintions of currency ,dateing back all the way to 1950;; i went to talk to the currency mint in washington (twice) and i finnaly got a written letter from the treasury that explained how this came about and i posted the letter on the post that this was first brought out : i will try to find the post or write a post that will slighty explain it again as per the treasury in washington: : now to get to your main question;; series 1953- signatures were (priest and humphrey) series 1953a was signatures were( priest and anderson):: on your question on how andf why the note you have is the way it is :: this is called a (error note) it is from and called ( shifts or misaligned over prints) these will bring $50.00 to $100.00 over face value of the note ,depending on the grade (condition) of the note,(very fine-20) or unc-63){ uncirculated};; major displacements,are more rare and thuss (more vauleable to a collector) :: now the values for just a regular note:: im giving both series due to you posted both 1953;;and 1953a;; #1655.-priest & humphrey- series 1953- vf-20-$8.50)( unc-63-$35.
    00) #1655 * - -series 1953-preist & humphrey- {vf-20- $25.00 }{unc-63-$90.00} this is a star note:: now for series 1953a-#1655 . Series 1953a}-signatures are{ preist and anderson}-vf-20-$8.50}{unc-63- $35.00 -( #1655a- * - priest & anderson-unc-63 -$75.00:: this is a star note :: i hope that i have answered your questions: if you have more< come back to see all of us ::have a very good day and god bless::f.b.e.
  • Feb 14, 2012, 09:06 AM
    I also have a 1953 silver certificate. There is an A after the serial number, signed by Priest and Anderson, no star after the serial number, has creases, is "off" a bit.
  • Jun 4, 2012, 09:19 AM
    I have a priest anderson 1953a 90% condition what's it worth 7553a
  • Jun 5, 2012, 03:13 PM
    I have a 1 dollar silver certificate 1957 a with the names smith and dillian is it worth anything other than face?
  • Jun 15, 2012, 05:52 PM
    I also have a 1953 SERIES S certificate
    I would also like to know the value.
    Thanks for the help!
  • Jun 29, 2012, 04:34 PM
    My brother has found a 1953 $5 silver certificate. The serial is B28035887A signaures are priest and humphry. The bill does have creases and looks misaligned there is a bigger margin on the right side. Please let me know if u know more about this u can email me at [email protected] thanks for the help
  • Aug 2, 2012, 07:28 AM
    If you go to Books A Million or another book store they have books that have pictures of the money the signer's, dates the money was put out also a grade and value. The book is aprox $15.00 it also explains the grading system, just go to the hobby/ collection portion of the store. This will help if you ever come across anymore Bills you would like to know more about. They also have a coin book.

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