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  • Feb 26, 2007, 11:24 AM
    Pimple scars
    I have pimple scar all ova my face is there a way I can get rid of them I also ha it on my back. Thank you
  • Feb 26, 2007, 11:36 AM
    Scars fade, but there is no way to get rid of them except by laser surgery - only recommended if there is serious scarring.

    Wash your face and back regularly to keep your skin-pores clear and reduce bacteria levels (but don't over-do it - you don't want to strip away all the oils that protect your skin) and wear soft clothing to prevent irritation.

    Use a moisturising cream containing Vitamin A to improve the health of your skin - vitamin A is the one and only ingredient in skin-creams scientifically proven to protect and nourish your skin; don't pay any attention to claims such as "helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines" - just buy a cheap cream that smells okay and contains vitamin A.
  • Feb 26, 2007, 11:46 AM
    I had a different problem but we have the same solution. I am 48 years old. I have always been considered to be attractive, but was discouraged by recent signs of aging. I heard that all a woman really need is a great dermatologist. I went to one, thinking I would get a bit of botox and restalyn injections to soften my look. My doctor recommended laser resurfacing instead. It is the most intense way to blast away many skin problems such as wrinkles or in your case, acne scars.

    Let me tell you, it was very intense indeed. The doc lasered my face with three passes of the laser beam. The first time hurt a bit, and the second time was getting intense, but manageable. The third pass was torture. It only took minutes but felt like hours. The recovery was horrific too. I had to keep polysporin on my face for 10 days and nights straight. I was to not touch the scabs that formed except to put more polysporin on them. My face had oozed night and day at times. Guess what? I would do it again if given the chance. I look fantastic. I don't look a day over 35 and my skin glows and is wrinkle free. I have been taking very good care of my skin for the past five years but my job of twenty years, letter carrying, had already taken its toll. If you do opt for this procedure, remember it is not for the faint of heart. You will suffer for beauty. It isn't cheap either. I got a good deal at $5,000.00. You must protect your skin from the sun afterwards too. You will be more subsceptable.

    That was also no biggie for me. I have worn a hat for years when outdoors. My customers would ball me out if I am without. My customers are like my secopnd family... always putting in their twoi cents. LOL

    Anyway, if you do this, let me know as I may assist you in the recovery. You know, anything scary that results, I may give you some reassurance.
  • Mar 12, 2007, 03:44 PM
    If you can't afford to have the scars surgically removed, try using bleaching creams that contain kojic acid or hydroquinone. Alpha hydroxy creams can also help reduce the scarring. Alpha hydroxy acids are exfoliators, and it can even out blotchy or uneven skin tones. Another option is using home microdermabrasion kits or glycolic peels. They will improve the appearance of acne scars.

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