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  • Jun 12, 2006, 12:47 AM
    Help to me to get a free online Theology Degree
    Hie You all

    I am a christian and would to to enroll on a free on line course that would get me to do an on line degree course in theology
  • Jun 12, 2006, 03:22 AM
    I do not "endorse" this one, and it's not totally free, but cheap:

    That being said, I'll add this: If it's free, then it's not going to be anything you can't get from the library or elsewhere on the net. So if personal knowledge is your goal, then I'd suggest reading all you can on your own so that you're not getting one schools particular "take" on it all.

    If pastoring a church is your goal, though, I'd suggest speaking with local pastors to learn what you can about the schooling - and what ones they might know of that have scholarships you might be eligible for.

    ... just some thoughts...
  • Jun 12, 2006, 06:23 AM
    First I would ask why you want one, if for general knowledge there are a lot of various bible study courses at your local christian book store. Next just regular Sunday school at your local church should bring a lot of study if you work really hard at it.

    Next free, well there will be 1000's of dollars of books to buy if you really want to study theology you will need a greeek/english new testement and a hewbrew and aramaic old testement just to begin. Then a very complete Strongs concordance, and most study would need a complete set companion books on each book of the bible where it goes into detail on each line, sentence of each verse ( from your churches point of view of course)
    And normally about 4 bibles of different types (translations)

    After that the question is what denomination are you, if you want this "degree" to be a minister, you should know that most denominations only accept those schools on their approved list. For example if you wish to be methodist minister ( ordained not local) you would have to go to schools they approve, and so on with the Baptist and Lutheran.

    For example, our order has a course ( we will not do it online) but will do it correspondance, it is good with most of the Independent Catholic and Orthodox Denominations world wide but has little value outside of these groups. ( a Baptist church would not really want someone who is taught Catholic doctrine)

    So a degree is worth what you put into it. I am sure you can find some degrees out there where you can get a piece of paper mailed to you for 20 to 100 dollars, I can think of two online churches that do that. ULC and the First Internet Church of the Web are two that offers a low cost study course.

    So if you would explain more what you want it for, what you are going to try and do with it, and if you want to learn indepth or merely as a beginning Chrsitian about the basics.
  • Oct 6, 2006, 05:03 AM
    You might try Nations University. Which is a site run by retired philosophy and theology professors with the idea of providing a good level of theological education cheaply.

    Their url is
  • Nov 7, 2006, 01:28 PM
    Go to this website! They are an accredited college. And God Bless you in your endeavors!
  • Nov 7, 2006, 01:40 PM
    The question of why is important here. I remember a lot of people got these alleged degrees so they could get out of paying taxes. As I recall it didn't work well.
  • Nov 7, 2006, 02:28 PM
    What part didn't work well? Getting out of paying taxes or the information obtained while earning the degree?:cool:
  • Nov 7, 2006, 04:21 PM
    Ministers have to pay taxes just like anyone else, In some denominations the church has programs, but in general they are an employee like everyone else.

    And while a church is exempt, it is only for the donations it takes in, and that money can not be used for personal use of the pastor ( unless the church pays him a salary) which is then taxed.

    Also if the church has a business, which is not church related, the income on that business is also taxable.

    Believe me, if being a mnister could get you out of paying any taxes, I would be the first inline for that.

    If the church supplies the pastors home, he has to claim the rental value of that home as income even.
  • Sep 27, 2007, 04:58 PM
    Here are some web site that offer free, almost free, and very inexpensive Bible degree programs:

    FREE CORRESPONDENCE BIBLE SCHOOL - Free Bible Studies by Correspondence

    Oval Bible College - Lake Charles, LA Free Courses also low-cost accredited courses. Earn your B.A. degree

    Check 'em out and let me know what you think!

  • Jan 18, 2009, 03:59 PM

    Fr_Chuck, you spoke about a course provided by your order. Did you mean a degree course, please?

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