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  • Aug 11, 2006, 12:47 PM
    Courses for law clerk
    Even though I know that I'm just starting high school I would like to know what courses to take in becoming a law clerk..
  • Aug 11, 2006, 01:16 PM
    High school courses or are you thinking ahead? Are you thinking paralegal or what?
  • Aug 11, 2006, 01:43 PM
    Yes I'm thinking ahead...
  • Aug 11, 2006, 03:45 PM
    Talk to the guidance counselor at your school. They can point you to colleges and programs that will give you what you want. They can also suggest what would be best to study in HS and maybe some AP classes to take. That IS what they are there for.
  • Sep 9, 2006, 10:11 PM
    Hey X! I am not in anything legal, but I have friends who are and I've worked with people getting into the law clerk track, etc. so I'll do my best to help:)

    High School--Take all the regular classes you were going to, but do your best to take the advanced sections if they have them. For instance, just don't take 1st year English; take Advanced freshman English, or something like that (I realize that the first year of English is probably not going to have advanced classes, but along the line--like junior or senior year--they will have them... or at least they should). If your school doesn't offer any advanced placement courses, do your best to either take a few courses at the local community college or read a regular amount of books. Don't just take or read stuff in legal matters; make yourself well rounded, because colleges and law firms look for that in potential students and interns, etc. Do well in all of your classes, but pay attention to Math (just because), English, Social Sciences, Language, and History--all kinds. And take an art or music class (or two) and/or go out for sports or something (if you like that stuff) to give your high school education an edge for acceptance into colleges and universities.

    College--You can major in whatever you want, in actuallity; everything is good. But the MOST complimentary majors are: Anthropology, History, Social Studies, a Foreign Language, English (usually Writing or Journalism), or Psychology. However, I don't want to discourage you from taking up another major; other majors might not only give you the edge (lots of other people will be applying for internships who majored in one of these areas, thus making you stand out), but allow you to approach law from a different perspective than that gained by looking at the world through the eyes of these majors (though these majors are awesome as well). As for the basic courses, that's where my knowledge falls short; I would suggest that you can either start looking for colleges/universities with good programs now or wait until you go to college and ask your advisor. Hope this helped!

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