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  • Feb 16, 2007, 04:52 AM
    My one year old won't sleep at night!
    Justyc was going through a stage where he would sleep from about 8 or 9 till midnight then be awake for an hour and go back to bed. As time went on the span he was awake from midnight gradually got longer. He is now to the point where he doesn't actually sleep for a long period.

    I have tried keeping him up and that makes it worse. He usually takes two naps and I tried to cut out one nap and that just make him sleep from 8 or 9 till 10 or 11, so it makes that span he sleeps shorter.

    I haven't gotten much sleep in the last 4 days! I need help! Anyone have any ideas?

    I think part of it is he gets bored really easily mentally, So does anyone have any ideas of acytivities I can do to stimulate a one year olds mind? He can already pick out numbers you ask him to, match colors, find a color he is asked to most of the time, write a couple letters of the alphabet, plus he knows bath, eat, please, thank you, and bird in sign language! What more can he know at one??
  • Feb 16, 2007, 05:08 AM

    Originally Posted by SingleMom7105
    Justyc was going through a stage where he would sleep from about 8 or 9 till midnight then be awake for an hour and go back to bed. As time went on the span he was awake from midnight gradually got longer. He is now to the point where he doesnt actually sleep for a long period of time.

    I have tried keeping him up and that makes it worse. He usually takes two naps and I tried to cut out one nap and that just make him sleep from 8 or 9 till 10 or 11, so it makes that span he sleeps shorter.

    I havent gotten much sleep in the last 4 days! I need help! Anyone have any ideas?

    I think part of it is he gets bored really easily mentally, So does anyone have any ideas of acytivities I can do to stimulate a one year olds mind? He can already pick out numbers you ask him to, match colors, find a color he is asked to most of the time, write a couple letters of the alphabet, plus he knows bath, eat, please, thank you, and bird in sign language! What more can he know at one???

    My daughter would not sleep from the age of 5 week until she was 13 months!!
    I totally feel for you I really do I went and seen so many doctors and they didn't help at all, in th end I used to put the play pen up in the living room and put toys in there for her and I would lightly sleep on the sofa. Then my friend said to try medised as she had a cold and temperature, well bugga me she slept 14 hours right through the night, I didn't sleep still as I was worried and kept watching her sleep. I gave her this medicine forabout four days and after that she just started sleeping! So don't depair it will happen in the end
    Good luck hunny
  • Feb 19, 2007, 09:33 PM
    I am an early childhood/infant toddler educator and would recommend that children under the age of 5 need naps during the day. It is important for their development. Second, I would recommend a routine throughout the day - a consistent program so he knows this is what happens. IT is important to follow through otherwise children don't take us seriously. I would suggest taking your child to the library storytime for stimulation or parent drop-ins. The fresh air and socialization with other children will change your and your child's routine. In working in childcare I know that consistency is important as it builds trust and they know our boundaries. Good luck. Your child is very lucky that you are looking at resources for him. Welcome to ZERO TO THREE's Web Site
  • Feb 19, 2007, 09:48 PM
    I agree with teaching. Fresh air and outdoors would do it. I have three children of my own. Taking them out to the park and letting them be free to run and play really gets my two little ones tired. Right after dinner they are so tired they are asked me to put them in their beds.
    Good luck.

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