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  • Mar 13, 2016, 02:18 PM
    How can I stop my 3 cats from fighting?
    So I have 3 cats indoors and 2 outdoors. My problem is with the ones indoors, 2 males and 1 female. The 2 males are about 4 years old and the female is about 2 years old, and they have gotten along just fine all their lives, but just recently, the 2 males got into a huge fight, and we had to separate them in different rooms for a few days. When we tried to let them around each other again, they started the fighting again the second they saw each other. So we have had to keep them separated permanently, but one day, one of the cats accidentally got let into the room with the other, and all hell broke loose once again, but this time, the female got jumped on too. We eventually got them all broke up, but now none of them can be near any of the others without tearing each other apart. We are now having to keep all 3 of them separated, and it's extremely difficult to keep them from getting into the room with another one, so it's making them and us miserable. I can't explain how much I love my cats, and I can't imagine having to get rid of any of them. I'm a stressed out mess right now from worrying about them. Can anyone please give me some kind of solution to this heartbreaking problem?
  • Mar 13, 2016, 03:03 PM
    Have they all been neutered?
  • Mar 13, 2016, 03:12 PM
    No, unfortunately we haven't had the money to get any of them fixed, but we are trying to find somewhere to get it done that won't be too expensive. I really wish we could afford it but we can barely afford to pay for groceries and utility bills, so I don't think it will be possible anytime soon.
  • Mar 13, 2016, 03:18 PM
    Contact your closest humane society... they can help you out with obtaining low cost spay and neutering. Do this as soon as possible so that you don't end up with additional cats; making your financial situation more of a strain.
    They can also help with obtaining necessary vaccinations and health checks... which, the lack of may also play a potential role in their behaviour.
  • Mar 13, 2016, 03:19 PM

    Originally Posted by MissMeow1992 View Post
    No, unfortunately we haven't had the money to get any of them fixed, but we are trying to find somewhere to get it done that won't be too expensive. I really wish we could afford it but we can barely afford to pay for groceries and utility bills, so I don't think it will be possible anytime soon.

    That's the reason for the scuffling. Check with an area animal shelter or two for low-cost neutering. And please, keep the cats indoors! You are littering the world with more unwanted kittens!
  • Mar 13, 2016, 04:17 PM
    Humane society is the best place to start. Most humane societies will spay or neuter for cheaper than a vet. You can set up a payment plan, that's what our humane society does. You pay whatever you can every week or month, and once the entire amount is paid, you bring your cats in for the surgery.

    You might also want to check out local vets online. There's a vet near me that does a yearly free spay and neuter clinic for barn cats. She does around 70 cats in one day, all for free once a year.

    I do think that having them fixed would go a long way in helping with their fighting. I totally understand that it's expensive, and not always affordable, but please do check into the options we've listed.
  • Mar 13, 2016, 04:24 PM
    And this is the time of year when intact cats start families. Our cat shelter's kitten season begins soon when they are swamped with pregnant queens and newborn litters.
  • Mar 14, 2016, 07:30 AM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    That's the reason for the scuffling. Check with an area animal shelter or two for low-cost neutering. And please, keep the cats indoors! You are littering the world with more unwanted kittens!

    The female and 2 males who are fighting are strictly indoor cats. The 2 male cats I have that are strictly outdoor cats haven't been fixed either, they were strays that we took in who came to our porch hungry and needing love, but the 3 who are fighting are only indoor cats and have never been outside.
  • Mar 14, 2016, 08:22 AM

    Originally Posted by MissMeow1992 View Post
    The female and 2 males who are fighting are strictly indoor cats. The 2 male cats I have that are strictly outdoor cats haven't been fixed either, they were strays that we took in who came to our porch hungry and needing love, but the 3 who are fighting are only indoor cats and have never been outside.

    Is the indoor female not spayed and the two indoor males intact? If so, certainly you can see what's going on. She's probably in heat and the males are wanting to mate (probably already have mated) with her.

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