Supernatural Lessons from Natural Disasters and Wars
There are important supernatural lessons from natural disasters and wars that are often overlooked. From God's perspective, the message of calamities, such as tsunamies, hurricanes, and wars, is God giving "unsaved" survivors time and opportunity to repent. Calamities show:
. Life is short and unpredictable, but death is certain (then judgment).
. God's grace to "unsaved" survivors--they have been granted additional time and opportunity to repent and get right with God.
. Man's lostness and utter dispair--he has no where to turn to and he cannot save himself. Not even his own government can save him.
Comment on NeedKarma's post
Sometimes the simplest answer is the best.
Comment on NeedKarma's post
Absolutely true. Religion or beliefs has nothing to do with it.
Comment on NeedKarma's post
You are right. Life is life and when it is your time to go, you go