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  • Jun 19, 2009, 06:31 AM
    Potty training 8 week old- sleeping through the night
    We just adopted an 8 week old mutt from a rescue center. We are crate training her. Is she too young to leave in the crate all night? She wakes up at 2am and cries, barks, and whimpers very loudly. We've gotten up and taken her out (she doesn't go). When we try and get her back in the crate she starts crying loudly again. Last night we left her all night and woke up to a crate and dog covered in poop. I'm feeling lost right now. Some sites say to leave her in the crate all night, getting up will only reinforce her whining. Others say she's too young to leave all night. Help! We're not getting any sleep.
  • Jun 19, 2009, 06:46 AM

    Have to say this, she is still only a baby at 8 weeks, quite young to be away from a litter and her mom and hasn't learned anything positive at that age. You are going to have to have the patience of a saint. Maybe she will be happier in the crate at night near you.

    Best bet is to set u p a schedule with her and take her outside before the crate and first thing out of the crate, poop or not. It will do you no good chastising her at this point because she is too young to understand what is going on. She will get the hang of it eventually. She will understand her crate is where she will have to be at night (for the time being I hope).

    She does need to bond with you, that will help with the training, she will want to do the right thing for you. So at 8 weeks, cuddling, patting, talking to her will only reinforce the bonbing process.

    Sometimes the mutt you adopt from the shelter turns out to be the best dog one ever has.

  • Jun 22, 2009, 05:16 AM
    While 8 weeks is a good time for a puppy to go home, often they still need to go out once in the middle of the night. If she is having soft stools, the vet needs to check a stool sample to find the corect remedy.

    Reading through my sticky will be a big help with most of your questions.
  • Jun 22, 2009, 05:20 AM

    I have raised several labs with great success. You should place the crate in your bedroom. They are pack animals and have a natural denning instinct.

    Pup was telling you he had to go. Pups at that age may have to go several times a night for several weeks.

    Pup should have been vet checked immediately. Most of my labs were checked before entering my home.

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