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  • Mar 19, 2013, 02:37 AM
    How much do I charge for post construction clean up?
    I started a post construction cleanup service in OKC OK, I've been doing new homes at .20 cents sq ft, but I have a chanse to bid on a retail business and was wondering if you price that differently. Up to this point I still don't know the specs of the job ( will know more later on today) a reputable company contacted me via phone ( I missed the call) and let me a message that they were collecting bids for the job, I checked them on line and they are reputable. At the homes I've done, I clean all the dust, debris, remove stickers and plastic from appliances, wipe and mop, plus I do the windows inside and out at .20 cents sq ft. I'm I charging to low? The retail store I will be bidding on is 40 miles away. Thank you for all your input!
  • Mar 19, 2013, 12:34 PM
    HI Babycakes,

    Yes I believe that you are under charging for your services based upon what services/tasks you are performing. $0.20 per sq ft is low in any market, we charge between $0.25 to $0.35 per sq ft for the same services/tasks.

    This prospect is 40 miles away and this creates problems with control and quality of services. Especially if your price is to low. Most times it is best to bid what the job calls for considering all issues and problems.

    Retail is an unusual animal, some require 'lock in' work, etc. We did retail when we started over 20 years ago and it was always an itch that needed scratched if you know what I mean.

    The retail market is some what like the property management market in that they usually give the contract to the lowest bidder and complain constantly (norm not the few exceptions).

    I would figure your total price by figuring your labor, taxes, supplies, equipment, admin, profit, etc AND the distance/travel time and supervision. Figure all these items to cover yourself and make it worth it. If you don't receive the contract follow up and find out why to make adjustments for your next bid/s.

  • Mar 19, 2013, 12:45 PM
    In addition to the above advice, you might consider calling a service in another similar town in your state and make up a mock scenario. Tell them you are considering going into the construction rehab business and are studying expenses, and wanted to know how much you should realistically estimate for post-construction cleanup in your business plan. They may be willing to quote you a range, so you can see what others chare for the same service.
  • Mar 20, 2013, 01:50 AM
    Thank you so much for your quick responses! After learning all the specs I declined the job, they wanted to pay only 275.00 for a 3388 sq ft retail store, plus they wanted me to wax floors! Thank you both for your input, I will start charging .25 cents to any future clients! Thank you again for doing this service, I've been reading and you have helped a lot of people here! Have a great day!
  • Sep 23, 2013, 05:06 PM
    I have one contract offer but they have 6 bathrooms all marble throughout the whole house, and fully finised basement all marble with furniture built in all over; New construction filled with dust and glues etc.
  • Sep 23, 2013, 05:40 PM
    Are you asking for help in pricing Murielle?

    If so, please give us more info;

    Size of the house?

    Windows included (In and out?)

    Other flooring?

    Do you have specs?

    How long are they giving you to complete this job?


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