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  • Sep 5, 2005, 12:56 AM
    Dark underarms
    I have dark underarms :mad: and we are going to have this party at school, then I am sure I am not going to wear that sleeve less dresses BUT I suddenly became part of the program and w have to present a dance number and we have to wear YEAH the sleeve less shirt! well, it wasn't suppose to be a problem if ever I wanted to wear the dress since I am not going to just raise my hands up but being part of dance number we will sure do raising of hand there and there and everywhere so what am I suppose to do, I have to get rid of this in like a month! Anyone have a suggestion? I have read about amira will it work in just a month? Also the glutathione? Will it help in a month??
  • Sep 5, 2005, 02:08 AM
    Do skin whitening creams work on dark underarms?? Shiiiii... I didn't even think of that. I'm going to try it!
  • Sep 5, 2005, 02:28 AM
    Of course I have been trying them and I have been trying them forever! I just did try amira for 2 weeks already it has good effects and seen lightening with it, my seller told me that it will in just 3 - 8 days!! Good thing it was clarified to me by one person in here that I would just see just results in 3-8 days and not the lightening I wanted, but since my underarms are very very dark it believe it would not whiten it as soon as one month! And that's what I needed!
  • Sep 5, 2005, 02:43 AM
    Peel it!
    I have ordered my amira magic cream too! And it I have been using it religiously. Its pretty cool and I am almost done whitening my underarms! FINALLY!! I think it is fast because my underarms is not that dark unlike with what you have mentioned that yours is very very :D

    But my cousin has the same problem too her underarms is very dark and we are about to order amira but then our seller suggested that we use the peeling solution because amira would be very expensive in the long run since that very dark area will take more time to whiten for my cousin, we take a pic of it and send it to her! :p so she just advices us to peel it then just use the bleaching cream until it is safe to peel it again, since the peeling should only be repeated after 3 months...

    It has been just more than a week and her underarms really did peel! Then the kit got this hydrocortisone cream to put in u.a so that it would not get red or itch a lot, when it peeled it really was lighten too much! Hehehe... then she is already in the bleaching process and the bleaching already is making the skin even out with the rest of the skin surrounding the peeled area.

    I think its pretty cool!! But I am OK with my amira since I am almost done with whitening my u.a. ill just going to buy the roll-on that is included on the u.a. kit my cousin bought since it is aluminum chloride with melawhite I think! And I think it will not darken my u.a. when I am done with using amira. Hehe

    Hope this will help, try looking for a u.a. kit in your area.
  • Sep 5, 2005, 06:07 AM
    I love this forum
    I think I like this forum :D people here answer fast. Hehe I have posted everywhere today when iknew about our dance and been waiting for replies too! And so far this forum got people posting fast!

    Anyway, nica I have been reading your post and found out that you do bought your amira to unis and I have already emailed her if she's the one who got the peeling set you are talking about.

    But doesn't it hurt when you going to peel your skin?! unis hasn't been answering my email but she was online awhile ago. Please reply soon because I really need answers to my problem. :D
  • Sep 5, 2005, 08:19 AM
    Peeling does hurt but what you really have to be careful about is the reaction of your skin to this peeling solutions. I tried peeling before & my skin reacted making it inflamed & it eventually turned into a "weeping wound" from the allergic reaction as well as the strong reaction of the peel. I had to use anti bacterial cream with steroid for days. When this happens, you will only get even DARKER UNDERARMS. So, do think before you do this. If you are not suffering from bad underarm odor, do not use anti perspirants. There are some stores selling these large but smooth Allum rocks. Use them instead. They are eau naturalle. Wet them & rub to underarms & in a few months, you get whiter underarms
  • Sep 6, 2005, 01:41 AM
    i did got the product already
    thanks dimples, the seller told me that yes it will hurt and it got hydrocortisone for that, so that it won't get red and I may apply it if it gets itchy like that. I was advised to to put the hydrocortisone religiously, so I will be applying it 3x a day or maybe more whenever I feel itch.

    Also the set already include alumchloride with melawhite deo that I may use instead of regular roll-ons. That I will use at the morning and it got bleaching cream for night. The peeling solution is called green peeling oil.

    I have ordered it already and I already had the product. And I am really depressed about this dark underarms, you know, anyway, I may not be able to achieve whiter underarms in a month with normal whitening products, I rather risk it here, I don't care if it get even darker anyway, it won't lighter in amonth with other products while here there are chnaces.

    I was also advised not to wash it with soap while doing the peeling since it may irriotae it and get dark just water so illbe extra careful when taking a bath. I am really so desperate about this you know, ill just keep it posted for the developments, anyway, I just received the product this morning, and I have already showered and applied it first time.
  • Sep 7, 2005, 08:16 AM

    Originally Posted by Dark_
    thanks dimples, the seller told me that yes it will hurt and it got hydrocortisone for that, so that it wont get red and i may apply it if it gets itchy like that. i was adviced to to put the hydrocortisone religiously, so i will be applying it 3x a day or maybe more whenever i feel itch.

    Also the set already include alumchloride with melawhite deo that i may use instead of regular roll-ons. that i will use at the morning and it got bleaching cream for night. the peeling solution is called green peeling oil.

    i have ordered it already and i already had the product. and i am really depressed about this dark underarms, you know, anyway, i may not be able to achieve whiter underarms in a month with normal whitening products, i rather risk it here, i dont care if it get even darker anyway, it wont lighter in amonth with other products while here there are chnaces.

    i was also advised not to wash it with soap while doing the peeling since it may irriotae it and get dark just water so illbe extra careful when taking a bath. i am really so desperate about this you know, ill just keep it posted for the developments, anyway, i just received the product this morning, and i have already showered and applied it first time.

    You go, girl! Do update us with the results, okay? :)
  • Sep 8, 2005, 12:45 AM
    What kind of peeling oil did you use? How many days did you apply it?

    Just wondering because when I tried peeling by myself, it didn't hurt at all. One thing I noticed was it got itchy (though tolerable) for awhile, I just applied the cream reliever when it happened, and everything went well. The chicken skin lessened and my underarms became whiter. I had to repeat the procedure after 3 months though, for it to whiten further. Check the site-
  • Sep 8, 2005, 12:47 AM
    Don't worry about it Dark_, I hope everything goes well for you, if not you can contact my beauty specialist. I sell their products in the office, but I believe they can ship abroad. So, good luck to you!
  • Sep 13, 2005, 06:11 AM
    I have great results
    Hello everyone and hello NICA!

    Remember I tried to use the Peeling set, I really did work for me very well, my underarms has peeled and its really whiter. I am really really very very super happy!! To the max, to the next level!!

    Hey dimples, I am happy!! First it got darker when I apply the peeling solution but then I consulted the supplier and said its normal then I continued using it for 3 days and it peeled in just 2 days after the last application and now it totally peeled and I will be bleaching it after a week but its already very white already!! I thought it may take 2 peelings but I think I will do with one and just use the bleaching creams to finish this all, I actually bought 3 30g tub of the bleaching cream so that I will bleach this and other parts of my body too. But I am still using the hydrocort cream until I am OK to bleach it.

    The peeling did not hurt at all, just tingles a little but I did used the hydrocort cream and it so good in making it feel better!! MY GOD PEOPLE Thanks A lot! I just got my sleeveless dress yesterday and I wrap the dress with sleeves I have bought last month.

    Charite, thanks too, I asked my derma before I used this but she said no actually, but I still get it a go since she cannot recommend to me anything either and I don't regret it at all taking the risk that the supplier told me because hey I got whiter underarms two thumbs up with both hands high in the air,exposing my white underarms. Hihihihi, I'm just so happy people!

    Anyway, its it here where I got it.

    Oh my! I'm going to tell you more about my developments! I have to go to school now and we still got a practice for the dance. See yah all people, I'm so happy really, if I knew you, I will really all treat you lunch!!
  • Sep 13, 2005, 07:51 PM
    Where are the ingredient listings? How can you go about using something from a site that doesn't even list what's in the cream? :confused:
  • Sep 13, 2005, 09:06 PM
    another site that markets peeling items is

    I've read that this was founded by a dermatologist :)
  • Sep 25, 2005, 04:20 AM
    What to use guys??
    Hi guys... well I'm new in this whole thing and I'm really not sure how it goes on and all but I hope you guys get my mail...

    I really need help here.. im really fair and have dark underarms and bikini area and sooo confused what product to go for... after redain alll the messages you guys have sent to each other and speecially the one in which this girls said that the peeling thing can really go the other way around and can give you huge infection... man its really freakyy :eek:... all I can say about myself is I don't have like really really black or dark once... a little difference that you can see right away... u can say like light brownn...
    I have already tried godiva and its been almost a month now and not a LIL difference.. they are still the same... man I feel bad as I have spent my 60$ and nothing happened... I love to wear sleeveless and have an amazin boyfriend to whome ill marrry soon but I'm really scared how will I wear all the amazin night things he gets for me in a situation like this... plzz people help me out here... to be honest I can't tell him or anyone in my family like my mom about it because its embarrassing for me sooo right now I can't afford another product that won't work... thats alll... :(
    And please can I know the price of the product if you guys suggest any... I live in Bahrain so I hope I can get it delievered here...
  • Sep 26, 2005, 06:01 AM
    Hi BeE
    I have the same problem but not bad, I just wanted to even out my skin tone. I don't want to sound like m selling something so Im not going to mention where I got mine, Im using Amira magic cream for my underarms, elbows and knees, I'm on my 6th day and I can already see the difference. But make sure you do a test first before putting it on your underarms. Im waiting for my Glutathione pills, I ordered them less than a week ago. I heard that Gluta taken with double dose of Vitamin C is a great antioxidant and also great for skin. I don't want to turn pale white I just want a clean, even skin tone. I like the fact about Gluta/Vit C because it cleanse and remove toxins out of the system, I'm a smoker so I'd rather take something that is beneficial to my health not just to whiten my skin.
    Try to do a search about Amira and find someone who can ship it to you for less. There are tons of people who are selling that product, I bet there's one in your area. :)


    Originally Posted by BeE
    hi guys.... well im new in this whole thing and im really not sure how it goes on and all but i hope u guys get my mail....

    i really need help really fair and have dark underarms and bikini area and sooo confused wat product to go for...after redain alll the msgs u guys have sent to each other and speecially the one in which this gurls said that the peeling thing can really go the other way around and can give u huge its really freakyy :eek: ....all i can say about myself is i dont have like really really black or dark once ...a lil difference that u can see right away....u can say like light brownn ...
    i have already tried godiva and its been almost a month now and not a LIL difference..they r still the i feel bad as i have spent my 60$ and nothin happened...i love to wear sleeveless and have an amazin bf to whome ill marrry soon but im really scared how will i wear all the amazin night things he gets for me in a situation like this.....plzz people help me out be honest i can't tell him or anyone in my family like my mom about it because its embarrasing for me sooo right now i can't afford another product that wont work....thats alll .... :(
    and plz can i know the price of the product if u guys suggest any...i live in Bahrain so i hope i can get it delievered here....

  • Sep 26, 2005, 06:53 AM
    Peeling will not give you infections unless you end up with raw flesh when you peel your skin, but the peeling that happened to me was just a very thin layer of skin, like an onion skin. I am really happy with the results. I am just sharing my experience and I am not forcing anyone to try it out. I was so desperate that time so I go for it and I have no single or even a little regret and even thankful. I saw results right away so I am jumping high happy.

    After that I no longer use deodorants, yes! I did use the magic cream but the name is pervil after the peeling. When I run out of it because I just got the 15g I used the powdered alum rocks, though it still make my underarms sweat it doesn't have any smell at all, then I switch back to magic cream when my ordered arrived. I did got the 60g this time.

    Well BeE if you don't want peeling I suggest you try the magic cream be it be amira or pervil, whatever is better in your skin. I choose pervil because ithas tretinoin and not HQ. I got it from where I got the peeling set too. And I will not tell the name too, like what Brennan did.

    I haven't tried glutathione yet. But when I get a budget for it, maybe ill try.
  • Sep 26, 2005, 07:10 AM
    It can get very expensive...
    THe Glutathione, but if you will to order in bulk then you will save a bunch. I didn't know that Amira has HQ, but you know what, dermatologist prescribed them to their patients with hyperpigmentation problems, so I guess it's safe as long as not in prolonged use. Take care :D


    Originally Posted by Dark_
    peeling will not give you infections unless you end up with raw flesh when you peel your skin, but the peeling that happened to me was just a very thin layer of skin, like an onion skin. i am really happy with the results. i am just sharing my experience and i am not forcing anyone to try it out. i was so desperate that time so i go for it and i have no single or even a little regret and even thankful. i saw results right away so i am jumping high happy.

    after that i no longer use deodorants, yes! i did use the magic cream but the name is pervil after the peeling. when i run out of it because i just got the 15g i used the powdered alum rocks, though it still make my underarms sweat it doesnt have any smell at all, then i switch back to magic cream when my ordered arrived. i did got the 60g this time.

    well BeE if you dont want peeling i suggest you try the magic cream be it be amira or pervil, whatever is better in your skin. i choose pervil because ithas tretinoin and not HQ. i got it from where i got the peeling set too. and i will not tell the name too, like what Brennan did.

    i havent tried glutathione yet. but when i get a budget for it, maybe ill try.

  • Sep 27, 2005, 09:02 AM

    Originally Posted by Dark_
    peeling will not give you infections unless you end up with raw flesh when you peel your skin, but the peeling that happened to me was just a very thin layer of skin, like an onion skin. i am really happy with the results. i am just sharing my experience and i am not forcing anyone to try it out. i was so desperate that time so i go for it and i have no single or even a little regret and even thankful. i saw results right away so i am jumping high happy.

    after that i no longer use deodorants, yes! i did use the magic cream but the name is pervil after the peeling. when i run out of it because i just got the 15g i used the powdered alum rocks, though it still make my underarms sweat it doesnt have any smell at all, then i switch back to magic cream when my ordered arrived. i did got the 60g this time.

    well BeE if you dont want peeling i suggest you try the magic cream be it be amira or pervil, whatever is better in your skin. i choose pervil because ithas tretinoin and not HQ. i got it from where i got the peeling set too. and i will not tell the name too, like what Brennan did.

    i havent tried glutathione yet. but when i get a budget for it, maybe ill try.

    Talking about Pervil, that is the magic cream that my mom used & the seller first told me it was made in Korea. You see, my mother has a very bad case of melasma & it was the only cream that lightened it. We have tried all OTC's, every expensive dermatologist, all peels to no avail. It was only Pervil that lgtened it by 75%. The problem we have now is that it is not as readily available as Amira & there are a lot of fakes. We have 3 Pervil bottles here right now, each look different than the other & my mom is afraid to use any of them!
  • Sep 27, 2005, 12:15 PM

    Originally Posted by dimples
    Talking about Pervil, that is the magic cream that my mom used & the seller first told me it was made in Korea.

    - pervil is manufactured here in the philippines and like amira all of its ingredients are imported from KSA (as what the manufacturer claim).


    Originally Posted by dimples
    You see, my mother has a very bad case of melasma & it was the only cream that lightened it. We have tried all OTC's, every expensive dermatologist, all peels to no avail. It was only Pervil that lgtened it by 75%.

    - I think its just a matter of where your skin has good reaction, because based on my experience on people who avail it from me, there are some who get irritations from amira but their skin is very much OK with pervil and vice versa.


    Originally Posted by dimples
    The problem we have now is that it is not as readily available as Amira & there are a lot of fakes.

    - I believe that it is readily available here and sellers are as many as sellers of amira, also most sellers that carry amira also carry pervil in their product line. To ensure that its original be sure to get it from certified sellers at least, though there are lots of resellers too that sells original but doesn't have the certificate, since they are just resellers and dealers are just the one given the certificate.


    Originally Posted by dimples
    We have 3 Pervil bottles here right now, each look diffrent than the other & my mom is afraid to use any of them!

    - pervil has already repackaged it bottles since there are lots who are faking it and their bottle design and labeling before can easily be imitated. I think they only got 2 kinds for now, the old labeling that is still available and the new labeling and their creams comes in 3 sizes which is 15g, 20g and 60g. Be it the original label or the new one they contain the same BFAD-approved formulation.
    - they also now got the pervil magic soap, coming soon is the pervil magic lotion, in the process is pervil toner and pervil deodorant.
    - if you want, I can provide you with the pictures of the original pervil magic creams.

  • Sep 27, 2005, 02:21 PM
    Thanks guys but which 1 to go 4
    Well now I have 2 options I have decided to not just jump to go for the peeling set so I have to choose either Amir or Pervil... do you guys know which one is better :confused:... but I was then thinking as I live in bahrain and KSA is right next to us and my dad works there so I can easly tell him to get it for me and give it a shot first... right??

    And there is one q I wanted to ask as I total don't get it... is amir and pervil one cream or it has different types for different areas?? Like previl says for wrinkles and acne so much more so do I have to specify that I need the underarm one or no?? And is it same with amir?? And yah the pills you are talking about are they recommended with the cream or you decided it yourself to take them... or did your seller told you to buy them??
    Anyway guys thank you so much and I hope I'm not so anoyin as I'm asking a lot of question... ill really look fwd to your suggestion... byeee ;)

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