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  • Mar 20, 2007, 05:28 PM
    Do You believe in KARMA?
    WELL I was just wondering if anyone else believes in karma I know I do, I think I'm paying the price right now.. just thought it would be neat from other opinions :rolleyes:
  • Mar 20, 2007, 06:43 PM
    Yes, I DO believe in karma, and I also believe that at present I am paying the price. But we all do sooner or later if this belief is true. That's why I believe it is best to live according to another saying which is: "If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us live so at least to deserve to be happy." Then, again, if this line of reasoning is true, then at some point, one will have better karma. That saying, by the way, comes from a gem of a book by William Safire, the New York Times language maven, and his brother, called "Good Advice." You might want to check it out. It seems you might enjoy it! Cheers!
  • Mar 20, 2007, 06:49 PM
    I do believe in what comes around, goes around, and we do get paid back - in fortune and in misfortune. I am also sure that our accounting will be held at the very end for what we did with our life and how we used our talents.
  • Mar 20, 2007, 07:14 PM
    YES and sometimes it is a wonderful thing! As long as you are not getting it?

    I just learned that my ex boyfriend that stalked and harassed me for over a year, now has a girlfriend with an ex just like him. Hehe! I am sorry, but I am glad to see he is getting it back!
  • Mar 21, 2007, 05:35 AM
    75% believe in it and I say this is why you must try and be as good and true a person as you can be but then any negative Karma may be a reflection of Karma attempting to balance things out from previous lifetimes should you believe in reincarnation and this, if true is beyond your control in your current lifetime.

    Regardless, I do believe in what comes around goes around but it is best not to wish bad Karma on those that hurt you because that is not healthy and negative...

    Life will find a way to balance things>>>ALWAYS!
  • Mar 21, 2007, 06:07 AM
    I am not sure if I see evidence that we reincarnate so the classic version of karma is up for question. But I can tell you that I know with absolute certainty that there are connections and patterns to every single thing any one of us thinks, feels and does -- both good or bad -- because I see enough of those to be labeled "clairvoyant" by some people even though I assure them I am not.
  • Mar 21, 2007, 06:33 AM
    Karma is difficult to explain as there is no tangible evidence to suggest it actually exists (as far as I know). With this in mind, who is to know that certain connections and patterns are not merely a coincidence and the natural way of life? That is to say that good and bad things will most likely happen to all, both man, woman and animal. The flip side to the coin is, what about the most fortunate human being on earth? does he or she create their own fortune or is there some driving force behind it that brings fortune to them because of positive Karma? (or the theory of it). It actually blows my mind, things like this because it is just a theory and depends on how open minded you are to believing in something that really lacks proof except the patterns that we see, which could just be (as I say) down to the normal process of life.

    Another thing that blows my mind is that some scientists say that the universe had no beginning and has no end. I can kind of get my head around the latter part but I can't understand the no beginning part of that theory... How does that work?

    Need scientist to explain.. LOL
  • Mar 21, 2007, 06:42 AM
    Geoff, I believe that Karma works because as you do good things for people, those people will be kind back to you, and you will put yourself in the frame of mind where you are more likely to receive good consequences.
    If you do bad things, you will receive bad consequences. There is no mystical force, it's just a way of labelling a physical principle of interaction.

    As for the universe question, I think most scientists believe that in this universe, there was a big bang, and before that there was nothing.
    There's no reason that another universe couldn't exist with no beginning. But it's hard to think about with our brains, who are used to think in terms of creation.

    If you'd like to post on the astronomy boards, we can discuss in more detail :)
  • Mar 21, 2007, 08:59 AM
    MMM I wish there was Karma or some sort of Karma Police, much like the famous Radiohead song! What comes around goes around usually though in some sort of weird way, I tend to think of it just as - life!

    I found out my EX just after she had dumped me, didn't get into the University she wanted - I think, so it's a kind of karma thing I wish. No that I wish any ill on her but - secretly deep down I hope she is hurting and gets hurt like she hurt me and others!
  • Mar 21, 2007, 12:56 PM
    These answers are very fascinating. Capuchin, I'd rate your answer as good or a 4, not a 5 because I'm not sure I agree that scientists believe the big bang came out of nothing. My understanding of the big bang from some public television program or another is that scientists believe that the whole universe was compressed into a single point, I don't know how big or small or even microscopic, which, in itself, is hard for most of us to comprehend, it is for me, anyway, and then, for some reason or another, which is the part that I don't understand, if there wasn't an agent or SOMETHING (!) that CAUSED it to, it exploded (big bang) and scattered out into the whole universe. Further, the size and scope of the universe in all its diversity is mind boggling too! Contemplating it gives us reason to expand our minds.

    I wanted to mention that I didn't know that that's how to spell "Geofferson Airplane." Wasn't that a group that James Taylor of "Fire and Rain" fame belonged to, that didn't work out? He sang about its demise I believe in "Fire and Rain," in the words, "Sweet dreams and flying machines in pieces on the ground." I haven't heard a reference to that in a long time. By the way, James Taylor is one of my favorites, as I guess he is one of everybody's. He's a great song writer.

    I love his lines in "The Secret of Life:" "The secret of love is in opening up your heart; it's ok to feel afraid, but don't let that stand in your way," and "The thing about time is that time isn't really real; how does it feel for you; it's all in your point of view; Einstein said you could never understand it all." Once in 1993 I found myself explaining the nature of the illusion of the linearity of time very, very eloquently to a friend with whom I had previously completed a marathon 16 hour telephone conversation with. I remember that my exposition was absolutely brilliant; I was saying things I didn't know I knew. Alas, I can't remember what I said; I suppose it was coming directly from "the source," with just enough filtration through my ego to let me realize that I'd said it and its profundity, but not enough to remember it.

    Finally, about proof or scientific studies on reincarnation, I have a book which I believe I bought in the '80's or '90's by a very famous researcher in the field named Ian Stevenson, M.D. called Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation, Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged, University Press of Virginia Charlottesville. I've read many books purporting to give evidence of reincarnation and I find them convincing, as is the story of the Dalai Lama's knowing that he was the reincarnation of the last one.

    "The world is so full of so many elaborate things!" Mind expansion for a lifetime WITHOUT any drugs! Cheers!
  • Mar 21, 2007, 01:06 PM
    Hi avataress. I stated that before the big bang most scientists believe there was nothing in our universe. This doesn't rule out things outside the universe that could have started the big bang in our universe. Theories are only speculative, however :)
  • Mar 21, 2007, 01:13 PM
    Dear Capuchin,

    I see you're on duty today, eh? :) Well, I've got to get off this thing so I can watch Oprah's Road Trip (very profound :D!) Anyway, it seems to me that you originally said that the universe did not exist, not that there was nothing in the universe. There seems to be a difference in those two speculations.

    Even if you meant there was nothing in our universe, are you positing a whole other universe? And I understand that this is at best speculation even on scientists' part, and I have written an essay (or two) in which I describe science, in some ways as our new religion. If you ask, I'll tell you more after Oprah! Got to dash! Cheers!
  • Mar 21, 2007, 03:45 PM
    Dear Capuchin,

    I reread your first answer to this question, which I seem to have misconstrued. Sorry about that. What I asked in my response to you was whether you (scientists) were postulating another universe where the things in this universe came from (where the big bang exploded from). However, why, I wonder, do we have to postulate a second universe that ALSO had no beginning, which began this one. Somehow, it seems we always come back to FIRST CAUSE, which is also a famous philosophical question, which I believe that in our human limited form, unless somehow we transcend that, we can never understand nor have experience of for sure. Most people just accept a god/dess as first cause and hence the numinousness (fascination, magnetism, etc.) of the god image in the psyche as Jung described it.
  • Mar 21, 2007, 04:29 PM
    I thought it was a great question/topic, Geoffersonairplane! I just wish you had answered my question about your name! Cheers!
  • Mar 21, 2007, 04:46 PM

    Originally Posted by avataress
    I thought it was a great question/topic, Geoffersonairplane! I just wish you had answered my question about your name! Cheers!

    Just a random username my friend...

    No hidden meanings... LOL
  • Mar 21, 2007, 05:06 PM

    Originally Posted by Stunning07
    WELL i was just wondering if anyone else belives in karma i know i do, i think im payin the price right now.. just thought it would be neat from other opinions :rolleyes:

    KARMA, Great idea, like religion... opium for the masses.
    REAL WORLD... Child Rapists, Xenophobes, Kidnappers, Terrorists, Paedophiles, Racists, Murderers, Hit and run drivers, Sadists, Bullies, Bigots, Ruthless Businessmen, Thieves, Muggers, Robbers, Cheats, Liars sorry it's getting late... The MINORITY of people committing the afore mentioned offences against humanity will ever get caught or experience anything near the volume of misery they dish out. If we are lucky and they do get the death penalty this will be humanely carried out.
    We the people should have REVENGE the punishment should reflect the crime, how perverse is it that a killer gets out before an embezzler? Kill the killer and take the embezzler's money... DUH!!
    Sorry for the rant.
  • Mar 22, 2007, 02:23 AM
    avataress, this is rather off topic for this post, would you like to carry on the discussion elsewhere?
  • Apr 14, 2007, 12:56 AM
    Yes, I do believe in karma. And yes, it can be a b*tch! I know how you feel!
  • Oct 13, 2007, 04:37 AM

    Originally Posted by Geoffersonairplane
    Karma is difficult to explain as there is no tangible evidence to suggest it actually exists (as far as I know). With this in mind, who is to know that certain connections and patterns are not merely a coincidence and the natural way of life? That is to say that good and bad things will most likely happen to all, both man, woman and animal. The flip side to the coin is, what about the most fortunate human being on earth?, does he or she create their own fortune or is there some driving force behind it that brings fortune to them because of positive Karma? (or the theory of it). It actually blows my mind, things like this because it is just a theory and depends on how open minded you are to believing in something that really lacks proof except the patterns that we see, which could just be (as I say) down to the normal process of life.

    Another thing that blows my mind is that some scientists say that the universe had no beginning and has no end. I can kind of get my head around the latter part but I can't understand the no beginning part of that theory...How does that work?

    Need scientist to explain..LOL

    You're not alone, it's not an easy concept to wrap your mind around, mainly because we all assume something always comes first like the seed before the grass. This one's more the chicken or the egg thing, here. There IS no answer!
  • Oct 13, 2007, 07:32 AM
    It is no scientifically possible. Unless someone wants to do a PHD on prooving karma? Anyway my ex had what came to her, so if Karma existed she got it. She even said to me, I knew what I did to you would come back around to me. - Owned! Well she lost a good guy to.

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