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  • Sep 4, 2019, 06:01 AM
    Should a man ride with his female friend in the back while another person up front?
    My cousin said that she was with this guy that she is seeing. Don't think it's
    that serious but enough she has been intimate with him for some time. She was texting
    me while she was with him. She felt strange being in the backseat of the car while her male friend had another guy up front. I think she said he was the boyfriend of his daughter.

    My answer to her but not sure what anyone else thinks he was already sitting in the front.
    That's just only thing that I could think of.

    does anyone else agree
  • Sep 4, 2019, 08:48 AM
    Guys hang out together, sit together in cars. Conversation and maybe giving directions, in the front seat would be easier over the noise of driving, plus your cousin was busy with her cellphone. And if cousin and her boyfriend both sat in back together, the driver would feel like he's your taxi driver. Your cousin had no reason to feel strange. It has always been this way.
  • Sep 4, 2019, 09:01 AM
    she was busy because she was in the back and those two were talking. Her guy friend was the driver. That's the only reason why she was playing on her phone because she was bored.
  • Sep 4, 2019, 09:06 AM

    Originally Posted by honeybun35 View Post
    she was busy because she was in the back and those two were talking. Her guy friend was the driver. That's the only reason why she was playing on her phone because she was bored.

    If the two guys were already talking, why should they not sit together in the front seat and continue the conversation while driving? When the other guy gets dropped off or the threesome splits up, your cousin can reclaim the front passenger seat.
  • Sep 4, 2019, 09:42 AM
    Homegirl 50
    Mabe they had things to talk about. It would be awkward for them to talk if he were in the back seat. I dont see a problem with it especially since they dont have a serious relationship. Who was in the car first, your friend or the guy?
  • Sep 4, 2019, 03:37 PM
    Not serious, just having sex, sad outlook on society.

    But no, guys have longer legs normally, and it would make sense for them to be upfront on a trip, esp if you are the guy are not very close and serious, but even then, nothing
  • Sep 5, 2019, 06:16 AM

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