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  • Feb 20, 2007, 12:27 PM
    Does anyone feel like they need sex all the time
    I've just split up form my girlfriend and we were together for about 18 months. We had sex a lot it was one of are ways of making up after an argument or to kind of spice are love life up a little. Now were finished I feel like I really need it! I still keep in contact with my ex and she says the same thing and there have been occasions when we have had sex and were not even seeing each other. I know I really shouldn't do that but I just feel like I need sex and I feel like I'm proper odd because I don't no anyone who seems to need it as much as me!
  • Feb 20, 2007, 12:32 PM
    Everybody has different sex drives. I personally do not think it is important. It sounds like sex was more important in you and your ex partner then actually having a relationship. You have seen how that works out. It does not. This should be a learning experience for future courtship.

  • Feb 20, 2007, 01:13 PM
    I no how you feel!! Crap isn't it!! Me an my boyfriend recently broke up an I miss it like mad!! I try not to think about it! My best mate is in the same situation, well her boyfriend is in the army, she don't see him very often!! We have banned ourselves from talking about sex but we always end up talking about it!! Find a new f**k buddy! As soon as I'm over my ex that's what I'm going to do , lol!! Sounds bad but I don't care anymore!!
  • Feb 20, 2007, 01:24 PM
    Sex drives, while natural, become a hindrance when like this. It might be normal to feel like having sex almost all the time, but being unable to control it isn't.
  • Feb 20, 2007, 03:50 PM
    What's age got 2 do with it? I'm guessing that jesushelper disagree's because you are ova 40 or a christian?? No offence :)
  • Feb 20, 2007, 04:27 PM
    No, sex is less important than having a relationship that can thrive without the emphasis on the sexual activities. If all you can communicate is related to sex, then I do feel you need some more maturity. This is not to say that sex is not necessary - it is. But it is not the first and foremost component in a long term relationship.
  • Feb 20, 2007, 04:37 PM
    A lot of people feel that way. It's perfectly natural, especially when you're going from a situation where you get regular sex to where you're not getting any. I know there have been times when I felt like I needed it.

    Healthy relationships should have sex as an expression of the relationship. The relationship shouldn't exist simply to justify the sex... that's not a healthy attitude towards either. Of course, I've been perfectly happy in an unhealthy relationship or two in my time, so your mileage may vary.
  • Feb 20, 2007, 04:38 PM

    I just know age does have lots to do with it. You sound very very immature. Making sex more important then a relationship. Your loss, not mine. Like the above said it is not the first and foremost component in a true long term relationship.

  • Feb 21, 2007, 12:12 AM
    I never said sex is more important than a relationship, I said I just miss it! And no Im not immature, what's wrong with loving and wanting sex?
  • Feb 21, 2007, 05:21 AM
    There is a big difference between love and wanting a $@&* buddy as you put it. That is not love.
  • Feb 21, 2007, 07:33 AM
    I no that's not love!! I'm in love at the moment but the guy I love finished with me so I'm a bit down at the moment and really miss him, he was such a great guy, but I also miss the sex :( I'm not looking for love now, but wudnt mind a f*** buddy. Would love 2 get back with him even more but that's not going to happen!! I no wher you coming from but me an u (jesushelper) we are completely different from the sounds of it!! :)
  • Feb 21, 2007, 07:48 AM
    There is nothing wrong with having differences. Like I said before it is your choice how you live your life. Not mine. (;
  • Apr 13, 2007, 02:10 PM
    I know wt you mean and it is quite tru I lost my virginity when I was 13 and I know I was young but I did it because I loved that person but he used me and now I want to have sex agen more but I find it hard to look 4 sum1 o find sum1 decent does anyone eel da same?
  • Apr 13, 2007, 04:44 PM
    I really don't understand why people have gone on the moral high ground here. This poor guy has no said he is looking for a buddy of any kind, he just wants to know that what he is feeling is normal. Going from a relationship where you have sex on a regular basis to not having sex at all can be really difficult, especially when you have a high sex drive. The feeling will probably calm down after a while, but sleeping with an ex is not a good idea. It will cause confuse feelings and could leave one of you getting hurt. I do, however, appreciate why you do it. It is easily done and can seem so natural in the heat of the moment. If you have feelings for that person and your not used to not being able to touch them the you think about them more. The more it is on your mind the more you will talk about it. Once you've both talked about it and know that you are both feeling the same there seems to be nothing to stop you. I don't think age will make a difference to these feelings, although maybe age will bring more self control. I also don't think this in any way suggests that your relationship was based on sex.
    Also I don't think a 'buddy' is an immaturity thing, but it is obviously going to be something that people have different views on. I don't think these are just down to religion and age but I admit that my generation seem to be a lot more open about it than the one above, but then again, look at what happened in the sixties! Maybe the term ' buddy' itself might suggest a younger person but 'casual relationships' happen when people are older all the time.
    I really think the disagree button should be changed to to helpful and unhelpful because taking points from someone for giving advice you don't personally agree with is harsh but taking them away for un helpful or detrimental advice is fair enough.
  • Feb 23, 2008, 11:08 PM
    Ok First you may want to evaluate the science of what happens when you are having sex with a person.

    1. Share fluids togethers -- I believe this forms a bond with that person.
    2. Share emotions --- This is what I call sex talk. That is you are actually talking a different language when having sex. The moaning the groaning are all ways in which each of you are communicating.
    3. Spiritual -- You entire body knows what your partner feels like. Those that are very careful know there partner if under a blindfold, because they pay attention to smells and texture as well as moaning and heaving breating.

    What happens when you break up with a person?

    Its sort of liking trying to burn up the other person in your mind as if it never happened. In a dark corner of your mind, you actually wish you never met this person. Because its hard to let go. In effect you want this person to be dead for you unreachable.

    This is how to really evaluate whether your relationship with your girlfriend was productive or not.

    1. Did she give you good sex?
    2. Did you breakup for worthless reasons?
    3. Do you want to marry her and be satisfied?

    Always remember sex is the taste in good food. Marriage is the nutrients of that food for the body. When we eat together with someone we always want to taste someone else's food. That is called coventing. If you are satisfied with your girl friend, then let her know this. If she values your satisfaction from her and know that it will bring a fruitful marriage, then GOD has to do everything to support you. Of this there is no doubt because it my story. Remember the hardest discipline for a normal man is sexual discipline but with GOD's strength it becomes easy.

    GOD BLESS>>>

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