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  • Oct 2, 2007, 11:12 AM
    I give him what he wants but he can't give me what I want?
    My boyfriend was really horny the other night and talked me into having sex with him. Usually I want a little more time to get aroused so the sex feels better but he wanted it really bad, so I let him bend me over. After that, I asked him to finger me and he said he was hot and he would in a minute. Well.. he never did. And he never wants to finger me if I ask him, he will say he is too tired, etc. I love the way he does it though, it almost feels better than sex. I just do not see why he won't finger me after I just had sex with him. How do I let him know how I feel without him making up some excuse?
  • Oct 2, 2007, 11:21 AM
    ade daggett
    Tell him to stick his fingers up his arse and buy a rampant rabbit
  • Oct 2, 2007, 01:13 PM

    Originally Posted by KJura88
    My boyfriend was really horny the other night and talked me into having sex with him. Usually I want a little more time to get aroused so the sex feels better but he wanted it really bad, so I let him bend me over. After that, I asked him to finger me and he said he was hot and he would in a minute. Well..he never did. And he never wants to finger me if I ask him, he will say he is too tired, etc. I love the way he does it though, it almost feels better than sex. I just do not see why he won't finger me after I just had sex with him. How do I let him know how I feel without him making up some excuse?

    Maybe you should make him finger you first before you let him bend you over. How about oral sex?
  • Oct 2, 2007, 01:23 PM
    Just be honest. I have a great relationship based on it. If we do something we don't like then we make it a point to mention it, maybe not in the bed, but the next day. She actually will call me out sometimes when things don't go as planned. It's kind of funny and we have a healthier relationship because of it.

    I would mention to him casually that the sex last night was great, but he left you wanting more. Like a dog out in the cold. Next time do think you can finish me off, maybe with your fingers... your so good at that. But make sure when he does it you make it worth it move your body moan make him feel like he is really taking care of business, even if he isn't!
  • Oct 2, 2007, 05:15 PM
    Does he suck his thumb? Does he chew his finger nails? Does he wear contacts? Just trying to figure it out. You know if push comes to shove you might have to take a time-out and try real hard to find some guy/s to respond to your very understandable need, but then again that may backfire on you so I say some men are hungry before dinner and only a few are hungry after dinner. You know this sounds like a piece I read, title: Fredrick Freidlicks Fickle Finger of Fate or something like that. Best and more to both of you guys.
  • Oct 2, 2007, 06:36 PM
    I don't know what kind of work your boyfriend does but he must work some very long and hard hours to get so tired that he will not finger his girlfriend.
    I have a suggestion for you, next time he is really horny and wants to bend you over agree with hm and let him slip it in, then you move away and tell him that if he will finger you then he can finish inside you. There is no since in him getting his and you staying hot with nothing in return.
  • Oct 2, 2007, 07:09 PM
    Leidenschaftlich für Wahr
    A lot of the time guys want to do things as a surprise, and when you ask them it might make him feel like he is following an order rather that giving a gift.
  • Oct 3, 2007, 05:48 AM
    As I guy, and a husband I find that quite rude of him... its the least he could do to finger you or go down on you to return the favor.

    I can state that in my life I have never once refused to do that.
  • Oct 3, 2007, 07:07 PM
    If he isn't going to please you, you shouldn't please him. He should want to do whatever turns you on.. it would be better for him. Next time he wants something tell him YOU are too tired!
  • Oct 3, 2007, 09:11 PM

    He should be doing more then fingering you to make you happy. He is only worried about himself. The big problem is if he treats you this way sexualy then he will treat you this way in life so be honest with him and tell him to stand up and be a man or show him the door.

    Just remember many Guys don't understand what makes a Lady happy so if he wants to try be willing to teach him what makes a Lady happy.

  • Oct 3, 2007, 10:27 PM

    Originally Posted by KJura88
    My boyfriend was really horny the other night and talked me into having sex with him. Usually I want a little more time to get aroused so the sex feels better but he wanted it really bad, so I let him bend me over. After that, I asked him to finger me and he said he was hot and he would in a minute. Well..he never did. And he never wants to finger me if I ask him, he will say he is too tired, etc. I love the way he does it though, it almost feels better than sex. I just do not see why he won't finger me after I just had sex with him. How do I let him know how I feel without him making up some excuse?

    Just be open honesty is the best and foremost thing in a relationship
  • Oct 5, 2007, 07:36 PM
    I'm not sure if this is good advice, but what about going down on him for a short time, then stop? Maybe that would be a good time to have the conversation with him. You'll certainly have his undivided attention.
  • Oct 5, 2007, 08:00 PM
    Homegirl 50

    Originally Posted by KJura88
    My boyfriend was really horny the other night and talked me into having sex with him. Usually I want a little more time to get aroused so the sex feels better but he wanted it really bad, so I let him bend me over. After that, I asked him to finger me and he said he was hot and he would in a minute. Well..he never did. And he never wants to finger me if I ask him, he will say he is too tired, etc. I love the way he does it though, it almost feels better than sex. I just do not see why he won't finger me after I just had sex with him. How do I let him know how I feel without him making up some excuse?

    Girl it's your body. If you can't tell the man what you want, you don't need to be with him. And if you can do for him and he won't do for you, you're to blame because you let this happen. Start telling him no. Tell him he does not get his till you get yours.
  • Oct 5, 2007, 08:01 PM

    Originally Posted by KJura88
    My boyfriend was really horny the other night and talked me into having sex with him. Usually I want a little more time to get aroused so the sex feels better but he wanted it really bad, so I let him bend me over. After that, I asked him to finger me and he said he was hot and he would in a minute. Well..he never did. And he never wants to finger me if I ask him, he will say he is too tired, etc. I love the way he does it though, it almost feels better than sex. I just do not see why he won't finger me after I just had sex with him. How do I let him know how I feel without him making up some excuse?

    Hi!well I think the problem is not you is him... now you may not know how to tell him ;you know I feel a little unpleased;some times in life you have to stand for what you want.I'm a guy but know a lot of a girls heart... prabably in that moument when you guays are finish having sex that you want to get finger you may be thinking or feeling.. dein what the hell its wrong with you weres my part... his to if I was you I buy some time and be like well if you can't please me like I do to you, I'm not going to please you... thats all because you'll going to have to stand up or you can feel the same way all the time you guys have sex
  • Oct 5, 2007, 08:24 PM
    Homegirl 50
    Girl, you better learn to speak up. A man will alwys get his. You make sure you get yours. He's not even your husband, I'm assuming you guys are pretty young, if he is ths inconciderate now, it's not going to get any better. Women need to learn to tell a man what they want. It's your body. Don't let somebody use it and you get nothing in return. And he is just a boy friend Please!

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