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  • Aug 28, 2007, 05:11 PM
    How to talk Dirty in bed and by txt
    I want to send some really dirty turn him on texts to send my boyfriend , please don't tell me to write what I'm thinking and feeling , been there done that , need some inspiration and new suggestions as he's working away for a few weeks and I need some additional ideas to stop me repeating myself ,
  • Aug 28, 2007, 05:21 PM
    Here is a page link that lists many sites stating they offer advice on talking dirty.
    talking dirty to lover - Google Search

    About texting:
  • Aug 28, 2007, 07:10 PM
    How old are you?
  • Aug 28, 2007, 07:27 PM

    The way talking dirty really gets him hot is for it to be real. It has to have the little things in it that he wants or is a fantasy to him. Think about the little things he wants to do or comments he makes as a joke but you know has a little real life wish behind it. Lay back when your alone and think about doing each one and pick the ones that excite you also. Tell him that you where thinking about him and how much you know he wants to?? Then tell him how excited its making you thinking about it. If you want to you can tell him what you did to yourself as you thought about it.

  • Aug 30, 2007, 07:13 AM

    Originally Posted by missjerry
    i want to send some really dirty turn him on txts to send my boyfriend , please dont tell me to write what im thinking and feeling , been there done that , need some inspiration and new suggestions as hes working away for a few weeks and i need some additional ideas to stop me repeating myself ,

    Tell him that when he gets home u will play hide the pancake
  • Aug 30, 2007, 08:28 AM
    If you live together: when it gets close to the time he's coming home, txt that you were thinking about him and got a warm feeling. A few minutes go by, and text that your nipples are aching... so hard... Tell him you took your shirt off and just left it by the front door, you left your bra on the railing or on the back of the sofa... each time you text you leave a specific piece of clothing some where in a trail leading to the bedroom. When he comes home and follows the trail, he'll find you in bed... waiting. After that, anything you text him, he'll be anticipating getting home to you.

    If you don't live together: Set up a hotel room. Tell him each thing your doing (lighting candles, spraying your body with his favorite scent, things that you bought for this occasion, etc.) Tell him that he has to pick up the key at the lobby under a name that you made up, kind of a role playing scene. Play to yours and his fantasies.
  • Aug 30, 2007, 01:54 PM
    Your AGE has to do with whether you can POST in this thread.

    I'm the thread moderator.

    If you don't answer the question, I'll close the question entirely.
  • Aug 30, 2007, 02:29 PM
    Well I suggest you make that clear in future as it happens I'm 44 and I can prove it , think you have a slight attitude problem and getting stroppy because you asked an irrelevant question which was treated as such , one must assume that as a moderator you would have better communication skills, as I understand a forum is to get help and advice if your worried about the questioners try being abit more clear in your questioning and reasons for asking
  • Aug 30, 2007, 02:33 PM
    missjerry, it IS perfectly clear if you had bothered to read the board announcement located at the TOP of the board also here:

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