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  • Jul 18, 2007, 08:15 AM
    I don't feel like living anymore!
    Well it all started when I started hanging around with a new group at school and my mum didn't aprove of it. She kept telling me to keep away and I kept telling her to leave me alone and that I would hang around with who I wanted, then this caused arguments between us.
    Then one day my older brother had seen enough of me and my mum arguing and followed me, after me and my mum had yet another argument. My brother tried to get me home nut I refused and we started fighting in the street someone phoned the police and when the police arrived my brother had already gone back home. I had told the police I just wanted to leave it as once my brother had calmed down we would appologize to each other so they said that was fine.
    But about an hour later I was sitting in the police station being questioned about what happened. When I kept teling them I just wanted to leave it they told me that if I didn't start talking to them they were going to phone social workers and get me put into care. This kind of scared me a bit, and they also told me I wasn't giving them a statement, so I told them about what happned and then they took me out to my mum. The next day we found out that my brother wasn't allowed in our street or in our family home and he isn't allowed any contact with me.
    Without my brother in my life I feel there is no point in living. I have cut myself a few times on my arm and I feel down all the time. My mum isn't coping very well either and when ever she is in a mood she takes it out on me by telling me its all my fault that my brother isn't allowed near our house. I know I am to blame but I never knew I was giving a state-ment. I just can't cope with all of this. I am only 14 years old and I can't atke it anymore!! Please help!!
  • Jul 18, 2007, 08:28 AM

    Originally Posted by jellybean92
    Well it all started off when i started hanging around witha new group at school and my mum didnt aprove of it. She kept telling me to keep away and i kept telling her to leave me alone and that i would hang around with who i wanted, then this caused arguments between us.
    Then one day my older brother had seen enough of me and my mum arguing and followed me, after me and my mum had yet another argument. My brother tried to get me home nut i refused and we started fighting in the street someone phoned the police and when the police arrived my brother had already gone back home. I had told the police i just wanted to leave it as once my brother had calmed down we would appologize to each other so they said that was fine.
    But about an hour later i was sitting in the police station being questioned about what happened. When i kept teling them i just wanted to leave it they told me that if i didnt start talking to them they were going to phone social workers and get me put into care. this kind of scared me a bit, and they also told me i wasnt giving them a statement, so i told them about what happned and then they took me out to my mum. The next day we found out that my brother wasnt allowed in our street or in our family home and he isnt allowed any contact with me.
    Without my brother in my life i feel there is no point in living. I have cut my self a few times on my arm and i feel down all the time. My mum isnt coping very well either and when ever she is in a mood she takes it out on me by telling me its all my fault that my brother isnt allowed near our house. I know i am to blame but i never knew i was giving a state-ment. I just can't cope with all of this. I am only 14 years old and i can't atke it anymore!!! Please help!!!!!!

    What was the context of the fight? This doesn't make sense.
    Was he violent towards you and the Police?
    Has he a history of violence?
    What is it about your new friends that your ma doesn't like?
  • Jul 18, 2007, 08:34 AM

    Originally Posted by tam_83
    What was the context of the fight? This doesn't make sense.
    Was he violent towards you and the Police?
    Has he a history of violence?
    What is it about your new friends that your ma doesn't like?

    Well we were both rolling around the ground he was pulling my hair and I was slapping him. No he doesn't have a history of violence this is the first time he has ever been in trouble with the police in his life and he is 18. Er I am not to sure what it is about them that my mum doesn't like as she has never actually told me that she just says she doesn't like them and calls them sluts and slags.
  • Jul 18, 2007, 08:45 AM
    I think its your ma that u need to talk to and demand to know what is the problem with your friends so as in order to try to set it right... Are they slags and sluts? If they are fair enough on your ma's part..
    So your brother never did this before? Has he a criminal past with the police? Suspected or confirmed..
    In your upset you must have said that he frightened you and they took it out of context..
    This will blow over... it always does...
    Unlikely to be anything you'll laugh about in years to come though!
    How old are your friends?
  • Jul 18, 2007, 08:45 AM
    I think its your ma that u need to talk to and demand to know what is the problem with your friends so as in order to try to set it right... Are they slags and sluts? If they are fair enough on your ma's part..
    So your brother never did this before? Has he a criminal past with the police? Suspected or confirmed..
    In your upset you must have said that he frightened you and they took it out of context..
    This will blow over... it always does...
    Unlikely to be anything you'll laugh about in years to come though!
    How old are your friends?
  • Jul 18, 2007, 08:52 AM

    Originally Posted by tam_83
    I think its your ma that u need to talk to and demand to know what is the problem with your friends so as in order to try to set it right... Are they slags and sluts? If they are fair enough on your ma's part..
    So your brother never did this before? Has he a criminal past with the police? Suspected or confirmed...?
    in your upset you must have said that he frightened you and they took it out of context..
    This will blow always does...
    unlikely to be anything you'll laugh about in years to come though!!
    How old are your friends?

    No they aren't slags or sluts my mum says that because they wear make-up and are really girlie and she doesn't think I look right with them because I am a bit of a tom-boy. My brother has never been involved with the police before.
    It can't be sorted unless me and my brother can talk to each other, but no-one will listen. No-one thinks I am sorry for what happened they all think I have no remorse and that I don't care about my brother. And that's what hurts the most. I just wish it was all over!
  • Jul 18, 2007, 09:03 AM
    Ah wee missus...
    Ken you an your brother not talk over the phone?
    Is it his stubbornness rather than a police barr order that is stopping him frae coming home?hurt pride and so on?
    I think yer ma is frightened that she is losing her wee girl... your personality is probably taking on new angles and mayb yer losing the old tom boyishness?Mayb she doesn't respect overly girlish girls... tell her these are the doors you need to go through to grow up! (don't shout that at her!the whole neighbourhood I'd hear and think they had a case of hippism coming on! )
    Talk to me again tomorrow because I'm finished work now. Be good and if everyone see's you keeping a calm head it wears onto them eventually and they do the same..
  • Dec 17, 2011, 08:04 PM
    Just reading this and what's happen in your life it's really not as bad as it sound . Don't get me rong I understand where your coming from.your mom trying to pick your friends for you . You and every one else wants to point the finger at you because your brother can't come home. But every body just needs to late every body cool off. Your only human it's nothing for you to feel like you don't want to live any more. Because your family would be more upset if you harm yourself and if they were too lose you. I have been there before nobody family is all the same but as a person we all deal with some of the same every day life problems . You just have too know what to do and how to handle yourself. When ever you feel like you want to harm yourself you talk to me first and you tell me what's going on and I will help you work it out how ever I can. I don't even know you but I can tell you this you have too much to live for you my not think so rite now but you'll see. Life is only as hard as you make it.missjbtheboss will be here when ever you need some one to hear you out .keep your head up and just smile:-)

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