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  • Jun 15, 2009, 02:15 PM
    iPhone text message questions
    I can't find a way to do a few things with my iPhone, and I am just starting to think they are not possible. Two questions:

    1. Often I find myself sending jumbled messages (getting used to the touch screen texting... STILL after about 6 months :P) Is there a way to cancel a message while it is sending? I haven't found a way. Do I just need to live with this?


    2. Sometimes I was to forward something to my friends OR sending one message to several friends- like telling them all big news, parties, etc.

    Anyone know if these can be done with this phone? There are a few other annoying flaws:
    Can't send a picture message through your phone, only e-mail(and everyone I have tried to send to it doesn't work, they get the picture message but no picture)

    Once and a while it freezes for several seconds up to a minute... this usually happens on the internet.

    No video messages. Which I don't mind that much... I never really used my old phones... but you would think they would add it. Shrug.

    Anyway, don't get me wrong; I still love my phone... I just wish there was something that would fix these issues. Do I just hope they will have a new model with everything missing? Anyway, if you know the answers let me know :D thanks
  • Jun 25, 2009, 08:42 AM

    You need to get your iPhone plugged into itunes and updated to the 3.0 firmware. I am not 100%, but I believe it allows you to cancel a text while sending. At&t also said they will allow picture and video messaging by the end of the summer on the iPhone.

    In regards of freezing, it may happen for various reasons.
    1. You have not updated it to the newest firmware on itunes
    2. You need to do a soft reset on your phone after installing applications, just like you restart your computer after installing software. This is especially true for bigger apps, like games.
    3. Once in a blue moon, it can still freeze of course, you can push and hold the home button and it will return you back to the home screen without having to reset your phone.

    Hope this helps.
  • Jul 8, 2009, 01:35 AM

    If your firmware is pre 3.0, then you can't forward sms bcos the default sms application does not allow it.

    There are 3rd party application e.g. biteSMS that allows you to do that but you have to "jailbreak" your iPhone. Jailbreaking allows you to install 3rd party apps but please read your warranty info first.
  • Jul 8, 2009, 08:39 AM

    I have updated to the 3.0. hurrah. Its so much better. Thanks for the help/advice

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