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  • Dec 20, 2008, 08:03 PM
    Sex drive complications
    So my boyfriend lives far away from me for the army and is coming to visit me for 2 weeks in January. The thing is lately I've noticed that my sex drive, which is usually extremely high, has become incrediblely low. My boyfriend has been experiencing the same thing because he is currently on beta-blockers as treatment for a heart probem. I have both a sleeping disorder and a pain disorder, which have both gotten a little worse so that, recent depression that happened from die-off from an infection and the new medication I started taking for it probabley have something to do with it. We've talked about it and basically figured that trying something new would help. But when it comes to spicing it up in the bedroom I'm fairly clueless and my boyfriend just a little less than me. We've only been having sex for 6 months (I only get to see him for a couple of weeks every 2-3 months though) and we haven't tried much of anything "out of the box" (other than a get-up here and there) since A because we haven't needed to to have great sex and B because our time together is so limited together we just kind of stick to the stuff we know since we're kind of nervous to waste a time that we know would be good with something that might be good, you know? But I was wondering if anyone knew of anything that could spice it up a bit? I don't know like a certain lubricant (my boyfriend and I use KY's Yours & Mine) or condom or romantic scenario? Certain positions? Suggestions would be very much appreciated :)
  • Dec 21, 2008, 08:32 AM
    I believe that both You and your Boyfriend have been experiencing a low libido because of illness, and medication. Do use some extra lube, and maybe try having sex in new and interesting places. Get to know one anothers bodies all over again. Do things you haven't in a while. Have Fun!
  • Dec 21, 2008, 09:14 AM

    So there is little sex drive, at least both have it. A real relationship is not build on sex anyway,
  • Dec 22, 2008, 08:01 PM
    Those are good ideas thank you!

    And Fr_Chuck relationships aren't built on sex but that doesn't mean you should discount making it better.

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