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  • Aug 10, 2003, 11:05 PM
    Making her orgasm
    How on earth do I make her orgasm? I was fingering my g/f for about 20 minutes and she never orgasmed she said it felt awesome but she just wasn't . She never has before so it would be her first. Does it take a long time for a girl to reach orgasm her first time she does?

  • Aug 11, 2003, 10:11 AM
    making her orgasm
    Hey Guy! ;) Think about it! Use your head :P! (and I mean that literally) ::)
  • Nov 26, 2003, 04:52 PM
    making her orgasm
    Oral sex is more likely to give her orgasm than actual sex.
  • Feb 11, 2004, 08:41 AM
    making her orgasm

    You most definely need to read up on this subject, get a good book and do some studying.

    People often make that mistake by trying the thing out and then when they have blown it they look for the instructions manual.

    Start right, get a good instruction manual and study it carefully, before making your move. ;)
  • Mar 26, 2004, 10:10 AM
    making her orgasm
    But when you finger her, you have to massage her , and don't be afraid to do it hard and fast. My girlfriend loves it. I haven't really gotten the eating her out thing down yet, though.
  • Aug 23, 2004, 07:11 AM
    making her orgasm
    Perhaps it'S a bit embarrassing but I would ask her for advice.. I think she knows best how to get an orgasm
  • Sep 4, 2004, 02:48 PM
    making her orgasm
    Fingering your girlfriend is like her giving you a handjob she can do it twice as good as you.
  • Nov 28, 2004, 02:36 PM
    Hey um, hairy bum, when I do that finger thing you sugested with my girlfriend it makes her want to pee.. am I doing it wrong or hitting the wrong spot or something? :confused:
  • Jan 17, 2005, 11:09 PM
    Amun Ra
    When u find the G-Spot and u give her an orgasm, the uterus will contract in a different way then a normal orgasm will. A normal orgasm will contract upwards, while a G-spot orgasm will contract downwards. This will make the girl seem to want to pee because of the pressure of the downward contractions, but this is not the case. Tell her to go with it and don't fight it. (u may also want to cover the area in an old sheet :) )

    Also Budhed has a point, but DON'T be embarrassed. The best way to learn how to please a girl is to have them tell u what to do. Ever girl likes it differently. Think about it, if she decides to give u a handjob and she is was doing it wrong, wouldn't u tell her how to do it properly?? Communication is the #1 sex teacher.
  • Feb 4, 2005, 05:29 PM
    Diddling Digits (Fingering fingers)
    Right listen up ladies and genitals... gentlmen here comes the advice.
    If your girl has never orgasmed before, then she's going to be nervous about it, which is natural. So here's the scenario that I'd go through, you can chop and change it to suit you, or just forget about it altogether if you like.
    1: Make her feel special, take her out somewhere, for a bite to eat (And it can be MacDonalds, need not be a £100 ($187) per meal restaurant), is always a good option. N.B. NOT THE MOVIES, you can't have a conversation there!
    2: When you get her to your place use some low level lighting (If you don't have dimmer switches just put on a single lamp instead) and some mood music (I always go for either Enrique, Celine Dion or some Jazz), whatever you choose, keep it quiet!
    3: Take her by the hand and lead her to the bed, kiss her gently, then go for tongues, then kiss her ears and her neck (Ask the girls on here, they ALL love having their necks and ears kissed) then back to tongues but this time start to rub her through her clothes, keep going for a good 5 minutes to get things well warmed up before you move in for the kill.
    Stage 2 - The art of Stimuli Vaginas Digitalis (That's latin for fingering the !)
    The technique - ALWAYS start REALLY gently, too hard and fast can kill the mood, things will speed up later! Trace a line around the labia (-Lips) with your index finger slowly, you can keep doing this for 3-5 minutes, no need to rush things! Then we start to concentrate on the clitoris. Now for those who know where the clitoris is, you can move on to the next section, for those who don't, here we go... The clitoris is a small pea-sized object slightly above the opening to the vulva, it's at the top of the . It's usually hidden under a flap of skin, but when a girl is aroused, it protrudes slightly (Much like us blokes do when we're aroused, lol) making it easier for us guys to find it. Now when you do find, don't lose it again, it is the only organ in the whole human body that has the sole purpose of sexual gratification (That's getting off to the normal speaking peeps!). Using your index finger again make tiny little circles gently on the clitoris, after no more than 5 minutes (Usually less than 2) her hips will start to grind, this is your cue to go faster and apply more pressure, after another short period her hip movements will increase to a very pronounced extent (That means A LOT!) this is where you use the ace up your sleeve! With the index and middle fingers of your other hand, go into the and make a motion with them as if you were asking someone to 'Come-here' (Or should that be -here, lol) you will find an object about an inch inside that feels like a sponge, this is the G-spot, stroke that, getting faster and faster as you rub her faster and faster... then... Well she'll let you know she's , and probably say a few prayers to god, lol.
    Another important point which I'm just going to touch on briefly here, communicate, tell her not to be scared of the feeling when she's about to orgasm, it's one of the greatest sensation that can ever be felt, and it will be one she wants to repeat often once she gets there. It won't hurt at all (Although she may shake a bit after) and tell her that you think it's wonderful she's allowing you to experience her first orgasm with her.
    To finish... an adage... If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
    Hope this helps,
  • Apr 1, 2005, 12:59 AM
    Just Wondering How You Guys And I Stumbled Across This Licking Topic... well To Make Her Use Your Tongue And Captin Hook Method.. stick Your 2 Middle Fingers In Her And Rub Them Back In Forth On Or In Rather The Top Of Her Sometimes You May Think Your Hurting Her But When You Hit The Right Spot You Will Know... welp Goodluck
  • Apr 10, 2005, 08:02 AM
    If you're not having an orgasm, try telling him what you like or just stop having sex. There's no point in doing the deed if you don't climax. I don't think so, anyway. Have him give you oral or something, try something different.
  • Apr 21, 2005, 10:30 AM
    Hold in there
    Dude get her to have a piss 1st, then just finger her even when she's got that feeling. (it will pass.) and she'll screamm her tits off, and like you more for it lol.
  • Jun 15, 2005, 08:05 PM
    lil miss vixen
    Just a tip, move your tongue around her in small circles,
    It should work like a charm ;)
  • Jan 9, 2006, 11:48 PM
    Ray Alone
    Hi dear friend.
    I just read your question and I just suggest you to ask her if she has feeling of tickl in her body?. Body gets some extra feeling for long time(5second or more) like feeling of after pee.:p
    And if you have truble of making her orgasm, the best way is oral sex around 10 to 15 min. before entering her; entert her till end and rob your body on her. In this way she 'll get orgasm fast.
    Wish you the best.
  • Jan 10, 2006, 06:00 PM

    Originally Posted by Untouchable8605
    But when you finger her, you have to massage her , and don't be afraid to do it hard and fast. My girlfriend loves it. I haven't really gotten the eating her out thing down yet, tho.

    That is the big mistake! Although all women are different, and like different things HARD is not the way to do it. Most men think we like hard and fast because that is what it is that they like. In all actuality women are quite the opposite. 90% of women reach orgasm via clitoral stimulation. It is the female version of the penis.It contains millions of nerve endings so toucing it wrong can actually hurt because it is highly sensitive. Start slow, and as her level of arousal increases, speed up a bit but don't start a fire:D, lubrication, lubrication, lubrication. Focus on the clitoris.
  • Jan 10, 2006, 06:02 PM

    Originally Posted by mickrel
    dude get her to have a piss 1st, then just finger her even when she's got that feeling. (it will pass.) and she'll screamm her tits off, and like you more for it lol.

    Yesss! Have her empty out her bladder first. When women have a orgasm we first have the urge to pee. If the orgasm is intense enough you just might get peeded on.
  • Jan 18, 2006, 02:57 PM

    Originally Posted by gooseman
    hey um, hairy bum, when i do that finger thing u sugested with my gf it makes her want to pee.. am i doing it wrong or hitting the wrong spot or something? :confused:

    But did she get an orgasm? If so, you did it right. But sometimes after people masterbate they have to pee... so it seems normal to me.
  • Jan 18, 2006, 04:20 PM
    Oral sex works great and also at the same time tickle her anus hole tip a little and she should must faster. Don't force tha anal thing though.
  • Apr 2, 2007, 07:49 PM
    YOU GUYS HAVE IT ALL WRONG and I mean all wrong. Ever heard of a?? Well in case you haven't then its this bump at the top of her whole vagina. Look up a diagram on the net. Softly rub this bump and ask her to guide your hand once you started. DO NOT and I mean DO NOT "ram you ringer as beep as you can " that is one sure way to get slapped! Do you think that acutally feels good? Imagion a finger rammed up your butthole .
    NOT pleasant.
    So boys take this into consideration . If you rub that baby long enuf she will don't worry .
    Hope it helps
  • Apr 2, 2007, 07:49 PM
    That word was C L I T O R I S
  • Apr 18, 2007, 09:30 PM

    If your partner is lying on her back, then her Grafenberg Area (better known as the G Spot) is located roughly 1.5" inside the upper wall of her vagina. For a woman, the most fulfilling orgasms happen when her G Spot is stimulated. This area is easily identifiable as it has a different texture i.e. ridged unlike the rest of her vagina. When aroused the G-Spot feels spongy.

    First move your fingers approximately two to three inches in to your partner's vagina and move your fingers in even circles inside. For best results, keep the movement consistent, applying firm pressure along the entire length of the vaginal walls. It would be good to add some pressure to your pattner's belly while continuing the rotational finger movement in the vagina. Then stop the rhythmic finger movement and rest your fingertips on her vagina just behind the pubic bone, and exert pressure upwards. This is the essence of the G Spot stimulation. It feels best when the fingers are subtly moving. You can either move your fingers in small, slow circles, or point your fingers more sharply and rock them back and forth

    A more successful technique is a combination of the two. Trace the inside of her vagina with your fingers, while moving in and out. Your fingertip must always hit the G-Spot on each rotation. An even rhythm is essential for this technique. And when you get it right, she'll definitely want more

    Stimulating G Spot During Intercourse

    The most important criterion is the angle you position yourself during intercourse. Being able to stimulate the G Spot during intercourse will definitely increase the likelihood of your partner reaching orgasm through intercourse

  • Apr 19, 2007, 05:43 AM

    Originally Posted by dvg85
    how on earth do i make her orgasm? i was fingering my g/f for about 20 minutes and she never orgasmed she said it felt awesome but she just wasn't . she never has before so it would be her first. does it take a long time for a girl to reach orgasm her first time she does?


    That question is way too general. Every woman is different and you need to learn what her "buttons" are and how she likes them pushed. Trust me in there in no one answer that applies to any specific group of women. What sends one to the moon might do nothing to the next woman you are with.
  • Jul 3, 2007, 08:41 PM
    How do you make girl's squart out
  • Jul 4, 2007, 09:11 PM
    Let me chime in here to tell you that not every woman has a G-spot! Good general information on the subject here: G-spot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Jul 15, 2007, 10:00 AM
    Use your fingers go in and out fast and deep it'll feel like you're making love to her but you'll be able to do it faster because its your hand. Make sure she can feel the palm of your hand hit her when you push your fingers in-- she'll go off almost instantly.
  • Jul 15, 2007, 10:01 AM
    Letting her give you a hand job as you do that also helps a lot.
  • Jul 16, 2007, 06:03 AM
    I found that getting a woman off using your hand is about the hardest way to do it. Most of us don't have baby smooth skin and direct stimulation would be painful for her.

    Orally is a far easier way to do it in my mind. And I know I enjoy that way more as well.
  • Jul 24, 2007, 01:10 PM

    Originally Posted by WallyD321
    Right listen up ladies and genitals... gentlmen here comes the advice.
    If your girl has never orgasmed before, then she's going to be nervous about it, which is natural. So here's the scenario that I'd go through, you can chop and change it to suit you, or just forget about it altogether if you like.
    1: Make her feel special, take her out somewhere, for a bite to eat (And it can be MacDonalds, need not be a £100 ($187) per meal restaurant), is always a good option. N.B. NOT THE MOVIES, you can't have a conversation there!
    2: When you get her to your place use some low level lighting (If you don't have dimmer switches just put on a single lamp instead) and some mood music (I always go for either Enrique, Celine Dion or some Jazz), whatever you choose, keep it quiet!
    3: Take her by the hand and lead her to the bed, kiss her gently, then go for tongues, then kiss her ears and her neck (Ask the girls on here, they ALL love having their necks and ears kissed) then back to tongues but this time start to rub her through her clothes, keep going for a good 5 minutes to get things well warmed up before you move in for the kill.
    Stage 2 - The art of Stimuli Vaginas Digitalis (That's latin for fingering the !)
    The technique - ALWAYS start REALLY gently, too hard and fast can kill the mood, things will speed up later! Trace a line around the labia (-Lips) with your index finger slowly, you can keep doing this for 3-5 minutes, no need to rush things! Then we start to concentrate on the clitoris. Now for those who know where the clitoris is, you can move on to the next section, for those who don't, here we go... The clitoris is a small pea-sized object slightly above the opening to the vulva, it's at the top of the . It's usually hidden under a flap of skin, but when a girl is aroused, it protrudes slightly (Much like us blokes do when we're aroused, lol) making it easier for us guys to find it. Now when you do find, don't lose it again, it is the only organ in the whole human body that has the sole purpose of sexual gratification (That's getting off to the normal speaking peeps!). Using your index finger again make tiny little circles gently on the clitoris, after no more than 5 minutes (Usually less than 2) her hips will start to grind, this is your cue to go faster and apply more pressure, after another short period of time her hip movements will increase to a very pronounced extent (That means A LOT!) this is where you use the ace up your sleeve! With the index and middle fingers of your other hand, go into the and make a motion with them as if you were asking someone to 'Come-here' (Or should that be -here, lol) you will find an object about an inch inside that feels like a sponge, this is the G-spot, stroke that, getting faster and faster as you rub her faster and faster... then... Well she'll let you know she's , and probably say a few prayers to god, lol.
    Another important point which I'm just going to touch on briefly here, communicate, tell her not to be scared of the feeling when she's about to orgasm, it's one of the greatest sensation that can ever be felt, and it will be one she wants to repeat often once she gets there. It won't hurt at all (Although she may shake a bit after) and tell her that you think it's wonderful she's allowing you to experience her first orgasm with her.
    To finish... an old adage... If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
    Hope this helps,

    Is it normal for guys to want you to share your first orgasm with them? Does that somehow make you more attractive in their eyes? Cause I had a guy tell me he wanted to be the one to make me experience my first orgasm because he wanted to show me how great it could be, and I can't really figure out why that meant something to him.
  • Jul 25, 2007, 01:16 AM

    Originally Posted by dvg85
    how on earth do i make her orgasm? i was fingering my g/f for about 20 minutes and she never orgasmed she said it felt awesome but she just wasn't . she never has before so it would be her first. does it take a long time for a girl to reach orgasm her first time she does?


    No girls do not reach orgasm with a long time for their first time. You see, some girls have difficulty to do that. Don't worry. Just keep on doing it slowly and patiently with her. You have all night, there is no hurry. Start with the oral sex or foreplay to get her hot. Tell her to focus on nothing else but this. Tell her started slowly to touch your long thing and next the whole body. Convince her to think of sexual fantacy while you are in her. Hope this help.
  • Nov 25, 2007, 07:11 PM
    Fire and Wally are very correct in what they said but for many woman there is more to it. It is like a pressure that can not be released. One thing to add to what the aforementioned said is to tell her how it feels, how she should feel in slow words and drawn out. Or to tell her a story A fantasy, give her visual with the physical and you will find that she will be able come to a complete orgasm. The need to pee feeling is the fluids coming to release, continue even when she is begging you to stop that it is uncomfortable. In a way it is. When she finally does release you can find that woman are like men and that the fluids squirt out. This is Good.

    Always have a word that you both use in case she does truly want you to stop.. The safe word.
  • Nov 25, 2007, 07:15 PM
    What would you do if you needed another person to show your husband how to be domonating. What lines and preamintors would you set.. We are a closed couple not wanting Sex with others but I can not teach him well and videos don't work, neither has books. He is a hands on learner.
  • Nov 25, 2007, 07:24 PM
    Comment on WallyD321's post
    Informative and concise
  • Nov 25, 2007, 10:54 PM
    Thread closed.

    If the original question in 2003 still needs answers, a new question can be asked.

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