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  • Sep 19, 2019, 01:27 PM
    Whistle blower
    I bet Trump said " tell Vlad I'll have more flexibilty after the election " .
  • Sep 19, 2019, 03:35 PM
    Tomder55: I just bet there are a ton of dolts out there thinking: "We got Trump this time".....but, they don't have Trump this time, just like they never have had him before with anything else.....all the fake documentation in the "Steele Magnolias" dossier, the Cohen testimony, and so many other bunches of pure crap! Teflon Don survives yet again. And I am not even a Trump supporter but I can see when people try to "pile-on" and I don't like that.
  • Sep 19, 2019, 03:56 PM
    Shouldn't we wait and see what the facts are? Like everything the dufus does this sounds fishy as hell too! Luckily I have Netflix, popcorn and fantasy sports while things get sorted out. No hurry, whether we make the dufus accountable tomorrrow, next year, or any day after that is cool with me. Hope you get to a lifeboat after your Titanic dufus finally sinks Vac, or do you prefer V7?
  • Sep 19, 2019, 04:12 PM
    Talaniman: I will be the first to condemn the POTUS IF they ever find irrefutable evidence that he did anything. You have to provide to him the SAME rights as every other U.S. Citizen, even if you don't like him (you) or you are indifferent to him (me): He is INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY IN A COURT OF LAW....NOT THE COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION!

    He isn't my Titanic....but he may be a battleship....just hope its not the Bismarck!
  • Sep 19, 2019, 04:21 PM
    You can presume his innocence all you want, but the facts will eventually find the light of day. Until then wear a life know...just in case.
  • Sep 19, 2019, 06:18 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    You can presume his innocence all you want, but the facts will eventually find the light of day. Until then wear a life know...just in case.

    Expecting a tsunami Tal? seems to me the time for tsunamis have past, just like Meuller and his pseudo investigation. Too much talk, not enough action
  • Sep 19, 2019, 06:28 PM
    Paraclete: I think you are correct: Normally, at least in the last 80+ years or so, the left in the U.S. has always been "smarter" politically and sharper tactically as well as strategically than has been the right....but, with President Trump, whether it be him or the people behind him, the left seems, for lack of a better word, "punch-drunk": they just seemed confused and unable to get any traction against Trump. I am not pulling for one side or the other, I just want the U.S. to continue to progress, but all of these investigations by the left are killing themselves, not Trump: Trump is actually thriving under all this scrutiny and left looks more leaderless and more inept than they ever have in history!
  • Sep 19, 2019, 06:51 PM
    The wheels of justice turn slowly, but they do turn steadily. It's a bit to premature to declare the dufus untouchable, no matter how much snake oil he douses on himself, or the yes men and sycophants he surrounds himself with. It appears to me though the bully will run out of places to hide the truth, or accountability for his own actions.

    So if you want to remain skeptics and cheerleaders that's fine by me, and as I sit back and enjoy the show the ending is pretty clear The good guys will eventually win. The dufus ain't a good guy, just so you know.
  • Sep 19, 2019, 11:40 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post

    So if you want to remain skeptics and cheerleaders that's fine by me, and as I sit back and enjoy the show the ending is pretty clear The good guys will eventually win. The dufus ain't a good guy, just so you know.

    See your bias is showing, now if Tramp had been a democrat candidate you would be cheering him
  • Sep 20, 2019, 03:59 AM
    Are you kidding me? Maybe I am biased against the dufus, and if he was a democrat I would write in Boo Boo the clown on my ballot or seriously considered the repub running against him.
  • Sep 20, 2019, 06:32 AM
    me thinks thou dost protest too much
  • Sep 20, 2019, 07:04 AM
    You could be right Clete, we should just shut up and let the loonies enjoy themselves while they can.
  • Sep 20, 2019, 07:22 AM
    Trump is beyond Republican or Democrat. He's a Mammonite.
  • Sep 20, 2019, 03:53 PM
    Turns out this big story is an old story about Biden pressuring Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was investigating Hunter Biden's and Joe's corruption . His corrupt dealings with Ukraine are easy to document. There’s even video of him admitting it. The media will now be forced to actually cover it.
  • Sep 20, 2019, 07:33 PM
    tomder55: Are you must be! The media WILL NEVER COVER ANYTHING AGAINST THE LEFT: N E V E R!!! The

    Media couldn't even summon the courage to admit that Richard Millhouse Nixon nailed the COMMUNIST SPY ALGER HISS 70 years ago! All that happened was that they attacked Nixon incessantly for the next 24 years until Nixon's gutless Republican Congressmen and Senators wimped out on him during the Watergate tragedy.

    The Media is in the left's hip pocket and that ain't changing.....but its O.K.: All of the left and ALL of the Media is coming after Trump and Trump is still kicking all of their asses! Trump is like KING KONG!

    You know, when you are nonaligned, like I am, this crap is super entertaining!
  • Sep 20, 2019, 07:53 PM
    V7: Do you realize the two parties switched positions during the early '60s?
  • Sep 20, 2019, 08:13 PM
    W.G.: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 WAS A REPUBLICAN LED PLAN! They tried to pass it in 1958 but the Democrats killed it....then, in 1964, the Republicans got enough Democrats to come over and vote for it that it passed....only one Republican Senator voted against it.....IT WASN'T JOHNSON'S PLAN, WASN'T PART OF THE GREAT SOCIETY, AND DAMN SURE WASN'T A DEMOCRAT PLAN!

    What is shameful for the Republicans, beside being gutless as they can be, is that they have let the Democrats CO-OPT the Civil Rights Movement! The Republicans FREED THE SLAVES, for GOD's sake and the DEMOCRATS ARE THE PARTY OF THE KLAN! DARNED FACTS! And now the DEMOCRATS ARE THE PARTY OF THE SOCIALISTS!

    Look, I was born in the morning, but not THIS MORNING! The Democrats have a vested interest in keeping minorities downtrodden and on the public dole....why? Because they think that will get these poor and mostly uneducated people to vote DEMOCRAT.....Trump is changing all this dynamic: Under Trump, Black Unemployment is lower than it has ever been! Trump doesn't talk all that well but he sure performs well ECONOMICALLY AND FISCALLY! And minorities are starting to take notice....and that scare the hell out of the left.
  • Sep 21, 2019, 07:12 AM
    Those repubs of which you speak are long gone and replaced by the conversion of dems who became repubs The dufus piggy backing on the Obama economic gains and claiming it was just all him falls on deaf ears to the minorities who know better than to trust his word for it, and while you tout those great job numbers they also remember that last hired first fired always applies, and black unemployment is still higher than whites and double in some regions so you want to use stats to convince someone how much you're doing for them?

    "White man speak with forked tongue" is the axiom applied here, no matter how the dufus spins his greatness. You would do well to factor that into your rants and give the minorities a lot more credit than to follow the RACIST feeding you BS and plenty of home brewed snake oil.

    That's why the dem power structure has minorities and women, and repubs, well they look like you do. Yeah we are taking notice of that FACT!
  • Sep 21, 2019, 11:15 AM
    Talaniman: Candace Owens doesn't look like me....neither does Dr. Ben Carson.....and there are many others.....and there are a bunch of Cuban Americans in South Florida that don't look like know the ones I am talking about: The ones that ran Nancy Pelosi out of town! Republicans are all colors! And, so are Libertarians: The Dems are simply Race baiters.
  • Sep 21, 2019, 11:34 AM
    You still don't have the numbers guy. I mean, do the math. You are aware that Pelosi is back and the dems have the House aren't you?

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