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    lhhai's Avatar
    lhhai Posts: 13, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Dec 20, 2005, 08:03 AM
    The word of action

    Someone think of something in his mind (not tell it out). Is there any words that describe that action.
    I'm not a native English. So please help me

    DJ 'H''s Avatar
    DJ 'H' Posts: 1,109, Reputation: 114
    Ultra Member

    Dec 20, 2005, 08:26 AM
    So basically you are wanting an alternative word for someone who is thinking something but does not actually say what he is thinking? Ummm...

    Words for this action could be as follows:

    Mulling Over

    You will have to think about the context you are wrting this in.


    Is it someone sat on their own thinking about certain events that has happened - For that I would use "Dwelling"

    Or is it someone has been asked to make a decision yes/no and is thinking it through - for that I would use "Mulling Over"

    English Lit & Lang has always been my best subject alongside Drama. Hope this helps!

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