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Trampoline permission form
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Forms parents have to sign so there childern can get on
W-4 form for work
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I just got married and I have to fill out a new w-4 form and I am not sure whether to enter 1 or 0 on line 5. Both my husband and I work, but the form is saying that I can put 0 or 1 and I am very confused, because I don't want to screw up our taxes. Can somebody help me out please?
DWI, getting permission to drive for work
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My husband has just been pulled over and got DWI and is set to lose is license on Oct. 13th, for 6 months, and then has to go to court on the 22nd of Oct. he needs his license though for work and I just wondering if any one knew if he would be able to get some kind of thing from court or wherever... View more questions Search