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I'm trying to install office pro 2003 on my laptop from a new cd. When I enter the product key and click OK it doesn't do anything. I put the cd in my desktop and entered the key and when I clicked OK it said preparing to install. I clicked cancel. Why won't it work on my laptop?
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Hi My back up PC the veteran of a few Boot Sales I imagine , was running XP Home Edition fine however I now have a problem... It starts away OK to desk top but when I try to get online or do just about anything else.. Windows Installer tells me to insert MS Office Professional Edition 2003...
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Hello all, I had to do a "return to factory" reset on my laptop. Prior to that I had Office 2003 running perfectly. Obviously, it was uninstalled when my "C" drive was wiped. I had to download 68 windows updates to get my PC safe. Now I cannot install Office 2003. Iget the message: "Microsoft... View more questions Search