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Bankruptcy in Ontario Canada
[ 8 Answers ]
Hi I live in ontario canada. I am just wondering.. If you are a full time employee. Can they garnish your wages or will they for that matter.. if you do plan on going bankrupt. And how long does it take to be able to take out a load through a bad/good credit place for ex. A car loan??
Statute of Limitations in Ontario, Canada
[ 5 Answers ]
Is there a statute of limitations on the criminal charges of obstruction and mischief. Waiting now for 1 and a half years to appear in Ontario Criminal Court. Also if found guilty is this a type of criminal record that would prevent me from traveling. I thank you in advance. P
After a year has passed on a DUI in Ontario, Canada.
[ 1 Answers ]
Do you need to have a breathalizer in a vehicle just to drive again?
Debt collection in ontario canada
[ 1 Answers ]
Is there a time frame that a company has to come after you about a debt? I am being asked to pay immediately a debt from a college in 1999. Do I have to pay this, and if not, how do I go about it.?
Expiration of a 'Judgement' in Ontario, Canada
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi, Can anyone tell me what the rules are regarding the lapsing of small claims judgements in Ontario, Canada? I received a judgement against someone in 1987. They disappeared shortly thereafter and have just now resurfaced. Can I enforce the judgement now? Thanks in advance! View more questions Search