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L2 visa status change to student visa
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HOw do I go about changing my daughters L2 visa to a student visa as she wants to start college in the fall, Her L2 visa expires in June 2009
Status Check
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Is it possible to check the status of another persons case? I am still married but he was scheduled for deportation. He appealed in March 2007 and I have heard nothing further. I needed to separate myself from him and his lawyer so I'm trying to get status of the case without having to contact...
J-1 visa tax exemption, change status to H-1B visa?
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Hello, I'm from Thailand and holding J-1 visa. For J-1 visa I can exempt tax for 2 years. I'm wondering how's tax payment after 2 years in two different status. 1. If I extend J-1 visa, do I need to pay tax back for the first two years? 2. If I change to H-1B, do I need to pay tax back...
Warrant Status Check
[ 3 Answers ]
I am doing some background investigation on a guy I am dating and a charge for OFF THEFT_500 came up in the dallas county. I can't tell if the charge was dismissed or not or if he ever showed up to court at all. It has B080 Original_Warrant_Issued_$500.00_C/S_REQ ________ A 060906 01 on the... View more questions Search