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The Dentist
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Guy and a girl meet at a bar. They get along so well That they decide to go to the girl's place. A few drinks later, the guy takes off his shirt and then Washes his hands. He then takes off his trousers and washes his hands Again. The girl has been watching him and says, 'You must be...
How do I go to the dentist?
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This is incredibly embarrasasing, but my teeth are falling right out of my head and I haven't gone to the dentist, because I don't know... how... :confused: What I mean is the procedure. I do have a dental insurance plan, but I'm not sure how it works. I'll lose that insurance plan in 2 months...
I want to be a dentist! How?
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I am a grade 12 student, and I am really interested in going into orthodontics. But I am confused on how to get there. I have been told to first get an undergrads degree in science but I don't know which one, these are the courses I have applied for so far... biomedical, health sciences and... View more questions Search