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    jobuggg's Avatar
    jobuggg Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Mar 31, 2012, 10:36 AM
    I think I just had a miscarriage
    Totally an unplanned pregnancy, I have a 1 yr old little girl. And with my pregnancy with her I had nothing but a big belly. I was 5 weeks along, and everyday I was nauseated and just tired feeling, I felt bloated and just ughhh! Two nights ago I went pee and noticed a little blood, kind of freaked me out, I've heard spotting is normal and that every pregnancy is different. But I kept an eye on it. The next day is was really dark, and like dirty and old looking. Like it was overdue. And it got a little heavier.. it had kind of the mucus/ stringy look to it, and I was still peeing often, 2 times I went to the bathroom and a very large blood clot fell out. The whole while I've been having cramping and back pain, my hips and butt hurt, I'm just sore. It's the weekend, and noting but the emergency room is open, is it an emergency? I've heard that if I did have a miscarriage and if everything didn't clear its self up I could get an infection?
    alkalineangel's Avatar
    alkalineangel Posts: 2,391, Reputation: 323
    Ultra Member

    Mar 31, 2012, 11:04 AM
    Your OBGYN should have an emergency number to call. Call this line and explain to them what has happened, and they will tell you what you should do or where you should go. They will most likely advise you to go to the hospital to have it checked out. Why did you not call your doctor once the bleeding became heavier?

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