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Groin, right leg, back, and thigh pain.
[ 6 Answers ]
Ok, so about a month ago my back started hurting. As a little history I do not exercise and am currently unemployed so not very active. I thought it was weight gain that caused it but I've noticed a tenderness in my groin area (particularly the testes) and it has spread down my right leg and into...
Severe and crippling knee pain
[ 4 Answers ]
my husband has done something to his knee. We went to the er and they wouldn't even do an x-ray. Said it needed an mri. We do not have insurance so its hard to be able to do that. It has been bothering him for several weeks now. He bent it backwards on his trailer hitch and it hurt for several days...
Right groin and down the inside of my thigh almost to the knee sharp pain
[ 1 Answers ]
This pain came on like gang busters and came out of nowhere when I stood up from my chair. So severe almost fell over.
Severe pain in groin and upper thigh
[ 2 Answers ]
I have had severe pain for over 3 weeks. It is located on the inside of my right leg. In the past 2 weeks, I have been having severe upper right leg. It hurts to work or do anything pertaining to work in the house. Could you please help me? >Moved from Forum Help< View more questions Search