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    demelj's Avatar
    demelj Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Mar 25, 2007, 05:53 PM
    Perior lasting longer than usual
    Hello Everyone... I'm 32 years of old and currently on birth control (Trivora) for over 3 years. I recently started my period; but, it started brownish, then red and light. This went on for a week. Then about a day or two stopped. My period came back; however, would only show up during the day (not heavy at all) and then go away during the evening/night and reappear the next day. Now 3 weeks later I still have signs of a period. It's not heavy and goes from brownish to red throughout. Generally my period last for about 5 days. Occasionally, when my cycle changes it has lasted a long as a month. My doctor has diagnosed me as being anemic. My period has done some weird things but never this. I'm not sure what the problem may be. Should I see my doctor, could it be stress, or change in my cycle? Also, I am overweight; however, I've lost 50 lbs (to date) and maintain my current weight of 260. It was not a rapid weight loss and done w/regular exercise and change in eating habits. Sorry for the typo in my subject line (period).
    demelj's Avatar
    demelj Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Apr 3, 2007, 06:05 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by demelj
    Hello Everyone...I'm 32 years of old and currently on birth control (Trivora) for over 3 years. I recently started my period; but, it started off brownish, then red and light. This went on for a week. Then about a day or two stopped. My period came back; however, would only show up during the day (not heavy at all) and then go away during the evening/night and reappear the next day. Now 3 weeks later I still have signs of a period. It's not heavy and goes from brownish to red throughout. Generally my period last for about 5 days. Occassionally, when my cycle changes it has lasted a long as a month. My doctor has diagnosed me as being anemic. My period has done some weird things but never this. I'm not sure what the problem may be. Should I see my doctor, could it be stress, or change in my cycle? Also, I am overweight; however, I've lost 50 lbs (to date) and maintain my current weight of 260. It was not a rapid weight loss and done w/regular exercise and change in eating habits. Sorry for the typo in my subject line (period).
    You can all disregard my question. My period was changing cycles. It is finally finished... thank goodness.

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