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    arotijain1's Avatar
    arotijain1 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Apr 17, 2014, 02:19 AM
    Misses periods for 3 months 2 negative home pregnancy tests and no sign of pregnancy
    I'm 26 yrs old and about 2 yrs ago i missed my period for the 1st time then it later started naturally after 6 months with heavy menses.

    3- 4 months later it stopped again this time i was put on femilion for abt 4 months after completing the course it was normal for 2 months (dec 13, jan 14) then i missed again and have missed since (feb 2014)

    During this time (feb 2014) I made out with my fiancé but he did not penetrate me neither did he release anywhere near or inside me but had touched it earlier when he was wet pre sematic fluid.

    i've missed my meses since 3 months tested twice around early and mid march 2014 with home pregnancy test both of which came negative. i do not feel any regular symptoms of pregnancy lake nausea, food cravings, no colour or size changes in my assets or ariolas. I do feel tired most of the time.

    I was put on divery 10 mg pills for 15 days 3 pills per day its been almost 12 days since i stopped but sitll nothing. while i was on divery i regularly felt slight cramps n pain in my lower abdomen. Please advice asap
    CravenMorhead's Avatar
    CravenMorhead Posts: 4,532, Reputation: 1065
    Adult Sexuality Expert

    Apr 17, 2014, 08:05 AM
    Talk to your doctor. There is one persion who would understand all this and she'll tell you to see your doctor. They's so much that could be happening that we would know nothing about but your doctor would recognize. I don't think you're pregnant. I think there's something serious going on with your hormones and your body. Could be anything though, cancer, PCOS, and beyond. Could be nothing, but could be serious. No one here to qualified or willing to say what. Simple issues we can do. This isn't so simple.
    DoulaLC's Avatar
    DoulaLC Posts: 10,488, Reputation: 1952
    Uber Member

    Apr 17, 2014, 02:12 PM
    As CravenMorhead said, you should talk to your doctor again. Is this doctor a gynecologist? If not, you may want to consider getting a referral to one if you need to. Have you had any testing done? Whether you have or not, other tests may be considered.

    Some women will find that several months on birth control pills will help regulate their cycles, as you did for a short time, but an alternative may be needed. Give it a few more days to see if you get a period with the divery... sometimes it can take awhile after stopping. Your doctor may have you try using it again if you don't have a period this time.

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