New Member
Jun 3, 2005, 08:30 AM
Missed period but negative pregnancy test
I am 4 days late I have always been regular for as long as I can remember A few weeks ago I learned I had a urinary tract infection and I went to the doctor to get it treated I haven't had any signs since could that be why I am late. I also had intercourse around the time this month I would or ovulated.
New Member
Jul 21, 2005, 04:51 AM
Having a uti most likely wouldn't change anything with your period. I had one recently, annoying as hell. Pregnancy tests are not always accurate. It is possible you are pregnant. There are also a hundred other reasons you could have skipped a period. I have a friend who hasn't had a period for months. She's 20 years old, not pregnant, just hasn't had her period. Go to your gyno, they can prollie give you an answer. That was you will be able to relax.
New Member
Jul 23, 2005, 05:33 AM
Missed period..
hello i was wondering if a bladder infection could be a part of having a missed period, i thought i was pregnent and i went to the doctor and the tst came out negative and i had a bladder infection, but i havent had my period since june 9th and it is now july 23.
New Member
Mar 6, 2006, 03:38 PM
Hey the same thing is happening to me... were you pregnant? I took three tests and they all said negative but I've missed two periods now so I'm worried... can tell me what happened in your case cz I'm like freaking out
New Member
Jul 11, 2007, 06:34 AM
Umm its been almost a month without my period 4 weeks and took 2 pregnant. Tests during the 4th week but they show negative.. I have no symptoms but slight cramps.. ever since the day I was suppose to get my period.. im going to a dr. but I would still like some answers ever since I thought I could be I haven't been sleeping much at all, all I think about is that and only that, I freak out I panic a lot, because I don't want to be. The thing that bugs me the most is that I'm underaged and I never really hide anything from my parents, but this. I can't really talk to anyone about this so I feel like I'm trapped and all alone.. they are making me go to a dr. because of my missed period. My dad is the most understandingso I don't know if I should tell him.. my mom isn't she will freak out and she stresses about so much in her life... specially since my dad was the first one she had lost it to when she was 21... what should I do? I'm scared...
New Member
Nov 28, 2007, 04:49 PM
 Originally Posted by jornikki
I am 4 days late i have always been regular for as long as I can remember A few weeks ago i learned i had a urinary tract infection and I went to the doctor to get it treated I havent had any signs since could that be why I am late. i also had intercourse around the time this month i would or ovulated.
It could be your periods acting funni it happenes to lots of people but good look anyway
New Member
Jan 12, 2009, 05:42 AM
Hi I ahd my last peroid on the 13th dec was due on my period on the 11th jan have not come on. I have been trying to get pregnant, and had sex on the 27th dec 29th dec and 31st did a test to day and came back negative.. I am normaly regula.. have tender boobs weeing a lot and indegestion every time I eat feeling sick most of the time . I am I pregnet or is this wishfull thinking
New Member
Apr 15, 2011, 02:54 PM
I haven't had my period in like 10 -12 weeks but I took two tests and they came up negative. I don't know if I should see a doctor?
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