New Member
Oct 3, 2007, 02:08 PM
Late period, 1 negative test 1 positive test
Hello. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for about 6 months. Previously I lost a baby at 7 months pregnant... looong story... anyway I conceived last time on Clomid. I began Clomid again last month. I am a day late, I took 1 test Sunday (2 days before missed period) it was a faint positive. I took another test today ( 1day late) it was negative. BUT, today I didn't use my first morning urine. I "feel" pregnant... headache, heartburn, gas, constipation, sore breasts... always hungry.. and I know what it feels like because I've been pregnant before... so why the negative??
Oct 3, 2007, 02:11 PM
It is very possible that was a false negative. It is very important to use first morning urine as that is when the concentration of the pregnancy hormone HCG is at it's highest.
There are more false negatives than false positives.
Time to make a prenatal appointment and don't forget to to take your folic acid.
New Member
Oct 4, 2007, 09:07 AM
 Originally Posted by sarahj2182
Hello. My husband and I have been ttc for about 6 months. Previously I lost a baby at 7 months pregnant...looong story...anyway I concieved last time on Clomid. I began Clomid again last month. I am a day late, I took 1 test Sunday (2 days before missed period) it was a faint positive. I took another test today ( 1day late) it was negative. BUT, today I didn't use my first morning urine. I "feel" pregnant...headache, heartburn, gas, constipation, sore breasts...always hungry..and I know what it feels like because I've been prego before....so why the negative???
Me again, well I took yet another HPT today with my FMU, and again a BFN. I still "feel" pregnant.. now 3 days late... I used a different brand of test though... the one that gave me a positive was first response, and the ones that were negative I got at the dollar store... does this make a difference, should I retest with a first response? And yes I do take my vitamins just in case :)!
Ultra Member
Oct 4, 2007, 10:24 AM
 Originally Posted by sarahj2182
Me again, well I took yet another HPT today with my FMU, and again a BFN. I still "feel" pregant..now 3 days late....I used a different brand of test though...the one that gave me a positive was first response, and the ones that were negative I got at the dollar store...does this make a difference, should I retest with a first response? And yes I do take my vitamins just in case :)!
The first response can detect it a litte earlier than the dollar store ones, but in the end they are all looking for the same thing, hCG. :)
Junior Member
Oct 4, 2007, 07:15 PM
 Originally Posted by sarahj2182
Hello. My husband and I have been ttc for about 6 months. Previously I lost a baby at 7 months pregnant...looong story...anyway I concieved last time on Clomid. I began Clomid again last month. I am a day late, I took 1 test Sunday (2 days before missed period) it was a faint positive. I took another test today ( 1day late) it was negative. BUT, today I didn't use my first morning urine. I "feel" pregnant...headache, heartburn, gas, constipation, sore breasts...always hungry..and I know what it feels like because I've been prego before....so why the negative???
More than likely, you are pregnant. It is very rare to get a false positive.. but not that rare to get a false negative. Call your OB and schedule for a blood test to make sure! That way there's no mistake:) Good luck:)
New Member
Oct 6, 2007, 08:12 AM
Hi everyone... update... by hcg blood test was... inconclusive?? What is going on?
Oct 6, 2007, 10:07 AM
Hun you are only 3 or 4 days late right now. This really does not constitute a late period. Mother Nature throws us all curve balls once in a while.
You need to have your blood retested in maybe a week, if you are pregnant then the hCG level should be high enough to detect by then.
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