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    Leelo's Avatar
    Leelo Posts: 4, Reputation: 2
    New Member

    Nov 1, 2008, 08:50 PM
    How do I know if it's a Miscarriage?
    So about a week or so ago I wrote a blog about 'Am I pregnant?' Not the exact title of the forum but it's close to it.
    Well... as it turns out I'm still not really sure... I had a very delayed period. And like I've explained I've been reading up a lot on pregnancy and miscarriages... but I still have questions.
    I had all of the symptoms of being pregnant... but I wasn't sure... so I went on as if I wasn't pregnant.
    Well by the end of the month I started having really bad painful cramps... the cramps were so bad that I had to curl up in a ball and hold myself. And I never cramp on my period. And when I do it's not painful and a midol takes what little pain away.
    Well the first day there was spotting of brown blood and it was hardly even coming. But the cramps were so bad that I was wondering if something was wrong, but I figured I'd wade it out. But, when I went to change the tampon skin like stuff came out... I mean I know what a clot looks like... but that was skin, and it was a purplish blue color. And I remember thinking to myself... 'Oh God there's something inside me.' But I didn't think nothing of it really... I've never been pregnant before so I don't know what to exspect or not.
    Well I woke up the next morning.. and it was like the bottom fell out. I was bleeding so bad. I've had heavy periods, but this one takes the cake. There were non-stop clots. It seemed more like blood then period blood, (if that makes any sense.) And the cramps were really bad that day. I was in so much pain. I could hardly walke, stand, or bend over. I took a midol, and it didn't work, didn't even decrease the pain a little. Sometimes walking around eases off the cramp pain but walking seemed to make it worse.
    And my hormones were running wild. I was ill so ill. I felt like killing everyone around me, but I know it was mostly because I was in such pain and it seemed like I was pushed around to do all the work.

    See... I unload trucks for a living, I lift rather heavy stuff... stuff I shouldn't even be lifting... and to keep my energy up I tend to drink quite a few mnt. Dews. And I read up where caffine could have been a cause in this.

    But what made me really think I had a early miscarriage is because I was talking to my Aunt about some things about my delayed period. (you know women things) and I told her aout the skin like stuff that came out.. cause for some reason it really stuck in my mind. And she said it could have been a miscarriage. I had all the symptoms... but after that horrible day of bad cramping and rather bad heavy bleeding it seemed like the symptoms of being pregnant had stopped.
    And I would just like to know what some people may think. Anyone who's had one, please tell me something.
    I've read and read, but I don't know... I had all the symptoms... and suddenly it stopped.
    The tests still came up negative but it was way too early to know for sure if I was pregnant or not. But... sometimes you just know when something is different with your body... and everyone had different symptoms... but I could use some input... advice... anything.
    Cause I'm so confused and if it turns out I had a miscarriage then I know it was probably because of my job and the intake of caffine...
    southerngalps's Avatar
    southerngalps Posts: 1,334, Reputation: 112
    Ultra Member

    Nov 1, 2008, 09:30 PM

    I have had one miscarriage. The cramps I experienced were just like yours. I had been bleeding for two days or so before the embryo had fully exited my body. The doctor said to just let it come out naturally. In my research of miscarriages, in most cases it happens because the embryo/fetus just stops growing, but lifting those heavy items could not have been healthy. That fleshy substance sounds like it was the remains flushing out. The only way to have known for sure would have been to see a doctor. He/she would have done an ultrasound and asked you if you would want it removed out naturally or through the machine (D & C) or something? I don't remember the name. Anyway, your symptoms did SEEM, but i am not an expert. it is not a nice experience to go through it is emotional and painful. Best wishes.

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