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    Kitschxbang's Avatar
    Kitschxbang Posts: 21, Reputation: 3
    New Member

    Jul 24, 2007, 02:35 AM
    Have I had a miscarriage?

    Yesterday I asked a question on the women's health board regarding heavy bleeding 17 days after my 'normal' period. I got an answer saying that I could have had a miscarriage without knowing I was pregnant. I didn't take this to be true so much as a possibility however I have just examined the blood and I am wondering if what I saw there could be "tissue" - search engines have so far been unhelpful when it comes to what the tissue actually looks like.
    What I have seen is very small, but plentiful "chunks" of white mixed with the blood, some about the size of... I guess threadworm, if you guys have seen those. Very small, some are broken up much smaller. I also have quite bad lower back pain and periodically today nausea and dizziness that I haven't experienced before today. I have saved whatever this stuff is, but I am wondering if anyone here has had a miscarriage that has included passing of the fecal tissue and if this could be it.
    I am making an appointment with the doctor but would like to know if this is what I am looking at before I go.
    Help appreciated.

    Kitschxbang's Avatar
    Kitschxbang Posts: 21, Reputation: 3
    New Member

    Jul 24, 2007, 03:06 AM
    I have also just passed rather large blood clots.
    LearningAsIGo's Avatar
    LearningAsIGo Posts: 2,653, Reputation: 350

    Jul 24, 2007, 07:00 AM
    A doctor will take blood tests and quiz you on symptoms. The tissue and such you are describing cannot really be attributed to a m/c. During every cycle, a woman looses tissue as part of the process (that's part of why we cycle, to flush that out). Some periods are just heavier and the tissue is more visible.

    I had a miscarriage, but nothing about the "flow" seemed different. Think about if you've been stressed lately. If so, let you doc know... that often delays periods for weeks at a time. That might help him/her diagnose you.
    Good luck!
    Kitschxbang's Avatar
    Kitschxbang Posts: 21, Reputation: 3
    New Member

    Jul 24, 2007, 04:10 PM
    Thanks hun, I guess I've just never noticed that before.

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