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I started my period a day or two early this cycle and it ended a day or two sooner
[ 2 Answers ]
Than I usually do however I have been off my period for the last 4-5 days and I have been having what feels like menstrual cramps ever since. I feel bloated and just like I'm about to start my period. What can this be?
My period came 4 day then my cycle and it stop the day I was supposed to come on
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My last period was jan 10 2011 and I sex jan 15 and sperm actually went inside of me. Lately Ive been feeling nausea,pain on my right side, sleeping , hungry, headache, feeling like I have to throw up but it doesn't comes out, white spot on my nipples while in the shower. My period came on jan 30...
Me n my girlfriend had sex on da 8, 9 , 10 , 11 and 12 day on her periods cycle ?
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I didn't inside her as I pulled out , can she become pregnant as I think it was very near to her ovulation date ? Help
Can you get pregnant if you have sex the day after you get off your cycle?
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I just want to know because I get paranoid because I have sex the day after and the day before I start my cycle and never in between and I just want o know if you can get pregnant if you have sex the day before and after you have your cycle?:o View more questions Search