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    msmaka's Avatar
    msmaka Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    May 7, 2007, 02:52 AM
    Could this have been a miscarriage?
    I just had a short question about a miscarriage.Well about a year ago one day I was laying down so my stomach started to cramp.So I went to the bathroom where I noticed some spotting.So I did not think anything of it.But then all of a sudden my stomach started to cramp really bad on my left side.It will come for about a minute then go for about 2 minutes then it kept doing that.And then later I notice when I used the bathroom I noticed like thin bloodclots about four in total.They wss a little wide but very thin.So I was just wondering could that have been a miscarriage?That was like in May but the last time I had had sexual contact was on march 21.So I hope someone could help with my question.Thanks!
    brandy681's Avatar
    brandy681 Posts: 295, Reputation: 26
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    May 7, 2007, 03:23 AM
    Hi, I had a very similar thing happened and it is possible that you had a miscarriage but I don't think so because you would or should have been VERY sick afterwards. Usually when you have a miscarriage you have bad severe cramps lasting until you go to the hospital where they will perform a surgery called a DNC. This removes all of the clots and the baby because you can die from a misbarriage or ectopic pregnancy. You also bleed if the baby gets stuck in your tube and have to have a DNC. My boyfriend had to have surgery a few times. You still could have had a miscarrage but most likely you WOULD know. I had the same thing happen to me with cramps and closts and I found out that I had ovarian cysts, which went away own there on. I almost had to have surgery but I was fine. Blood clots can be caused by several reasons and you really need to see a doctor to run tests. I only had the blood clots and spotting for one month and now my period is normal but If you go to the hospital or the doctor they will run tests. I had to get a vaginal (pelvic) ultrasound to see if anything was in me and they found cysts, no baby though.. and a pap smear. You really need to see your doctor because clots can be normal or it can be from a lot of stress, weight gain or another problems like cysts, fybroid tumors or even a miscarrage.
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    May 7, 2007, 05:15 AM
    It sounds to me as though you may have had cysts that burst. You should pay a visit to your OB/GYN for a full and complete check-up.

    Actually the procedure that Brandy is talking about is called a D&C (not DNC), it stands for Dilation & Curettage, and there are MANY reasons this is done.

    MsMaka, please make an appointment with your doctor for a check up to see if you reproductive system is healthy and funtioning properly.

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