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Blood clots that stop period in its tracks!
[ 11 Answers ]
I have been blessed with extremely heavy periods and massive blood clots due to fibroids. Over the past few months, I have noticed an unusual and unsettling change. My period will start and appear to be normal (for me) then, it will just stop! It will stop for hours and even up to two days. ...
Large clots and discharge during period
[ 1 Answers ]
I'm 27, not sexually active, and during my last period I had a few blood clots that were so large, they pushed my tampon out of my body along with heavy bleeding. Also, there was a mucus-like discharge mixed with blood that continued at the end of my period. In the past, my menstration cycles...
Blood clots during heavy bleeding period
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Is it normal to have large blood clots during the heaviest Bleeding period
Constant and heavy bleeding with clots
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Hey everyone, For the past few months, maybe 4 months or 5, my mother has been bleeding as though on her period. She gets bad cramps and large clots on occasion too. She just won't stop. It can stop for a day sometimes, but then it is back in full flow. It is very heavy. She is overdue to have a...
The blood shed & the blood sprinkled!
[ 4 Answers ]
THE BLOOD SHED & THE BLOOD SPRINKLED In the Old Testament and the New Testament sacrificial "Blood" is spoken of in two ways;i.e. "The Blood shed and the Blood sprinkled." IN THE OLD TESTAMENT WHAT WAS THE APPLICATION OF "SHED BLOOD" RE "ATONEMENT" (the 'moment the Blood became... View more questions Search