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Sex and Bleeding
[ 3 Answers ]
Hi I had intercorce on Sunday. Then today (MONDAY) I started bleeding. Does that mean that I don't have a Good chance being pregnet? My pieriod usually does not start till the begginging of the month witch is next week? :confused:
Bleeding from sex
[ 3 Answers ]
My boyfriend and I had sex the other night and used a lubricated condom. After, I started bleeding and have been bleeding for two days. Its bright red blood and its spotting. I think I'm allergic to latex. I have had problems before with condoms but I never bled before. Any ideas what it could be? ...
Bleeding after sex
[ 1 Answers ]
I have been bleeding after sex with my husband. I had a laparoscapy on the 30 Jan and they found a bit of endometriosis which they got rid of. Ever since the operation I have had a dull pain and whenever we have sex I get some bleeding. I was also told I had some fibroids but nothing to worry...
Bleeding after sex
[ 1 Answers ]
Hey! My parent's don't know that I am having sex! And whne I have rough sex only I bleed a little bit but only for like 10 seconds and that is it? What is it?:confused:
Bleeding after sex?
[ 5 Answers ]
When me and my boyfriend have rough sex, I bleed, only a tiny bit, it has happened about 3 times, so we did not have sex for a week, then we tried again last night, and we did it very rough, and it was hurting, and there was a little bit more blood, but when we don't have rough sex I am fine? My... View more questions Search