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Hi, I did a blood test and I was pregnant ,percentage 136 (this test to confirm that I'm pregnant) then I did the test again after 4 days and it was 118! It is should go up not down.. I did a home pregnancy test 4 times already and it shows very thin light in the pregnant box... Does that...
Heavy periods after miscarriage
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I had a miscarriage in May of this year (2006), I tried to let nature take its course however, I had to be admitted to hospital because the bleeding was very heavy (soaking a sanitary pad in less than hour) and I eventually had to have a D & C, whilst doing the D & C they found a cyst and took a...
Signs of Miscarriage?
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I had a miscarriage on October 3rd, 2005... Since February, my fiancé and I have been trying again. Every month since then we have had no results in getting pregnant. This week I was supposed to get my period (3 days late) however, have had some cramping and bleeding, not to the extent of my...
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Why is miscarriage not considered by many work places or people to be a process of mourning and is bereavement. Some manager at my work told me it does not fall under bereavement because the baby was not alive outside the body.
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I got my period on October 23rd and I had it about 6-7 days.Then the last few days when I would go to the bathroom and wipe there would be a brownish red substance on the toilet paper. Then tonight I went to the bathroom my period came back plus the was a blood clot about the size of a quarter.... View more questions Search