New Member
Nov 1, 2007, 10:39 AM
6 Negative pregnancy test, 2 weeks late
I'm 24 and have a very regular 28 day cycle. My period is 2 weeks late. I have had mild on and off symptoms. One day my boobs feel sore the next I'm fine. No cramps. I am not stressed, life is pretty good right know. Is it possible I'm getting false negative test results? I have a doctors appt tomorrow morning, I am thinking about asking for a blood test.
Senior Member
Nov 1, 2007, 12:52 PM
Are you using the pregnancy tests first thing in the morning? They are more accurate then. Have you recently started using or stopped using birth control?
Junior Member
Nov 4, 2007, 09:11 PM
Let me know what they say, Im having the same problem...
New Member
Apr 24, 2008, 06:27 PM
Hey there, I am having the same problem too. I have done 7 pregnancy tests and the all say negative and I have never been late. Interested in your outcome. Good Luck!
Junior Member
May 24, 2008, 05:20 AM
Hey I'm going the same thing too. Id be intrested to see what the dr says and your out come :D
New Member
Jul 7, 2008, 09:30 PM
Yeah let us know what he doctor says. I'm 3 weeks 1 day late and going through the same thing as well!
New Member
Jul 12, 2008, 10:03 PM
Hey I had the same problem with my first and the doctor took a blood test it cam back negative but he took 2 more to make sure and it finally came back positive some people are just harder to find out there pregnant
New Member
Jul 13, 2008, 11:42 AM
Hiya I'm in exactly the same situation I haven't had a period since may I've done ten pragnancy tests and every one has said negative. I'm at the end of my tether
New Member
Jul 14, 2008, 06:48 AM
If the test is negative now and you are pregnant its good to wait at least 1 more week and take another test if its negative and you still haven't started your period make an appointment with your doctor.
New Member
Aug 4, 2008, 08:47 PM
Hi everyone! I know of 3 people who were pregnant and the HPT kept showing up negative for weeks. One of my friends has 2 boys and with both of them, the HPT did not show up positive until her 7-8th week of being pregnant. The two other people took about 15-18 weeks to show up positive and even the blood test at the Dr.s office was negative. They only knew due to feeling pregnant and one had to have a trans-vag. Ultrasound which confirmed the pregnancy. I have one boy who is one year old and right now I am in the same situation as all of you. I am one week late tomorrow and I already took a HPT which came out negative. I feel as though I have some pregnancy symptoms but hard to tell right now. I know I should probably wait for another week and do the test in the morning but as we all know, the wait is hard. Baby Dust to all:)
New Member
Jun 26, 2009, 08:27 PM
I am 17 and in the exact situation. I always start on the 15th and it has been that way for over a year. I will be 2 weeks late as of June 29 2009, and never in 7 years have I been late . My boobs are not sore, I am not stressed. At night I have to go to the bathroom at least every 45 min. some smells of food make me sick, and I do not feel like eating anything. And I get sooooo tired, even when I wake up at like 1pm and go to work I am so fatigued its like I just ran a marathon. I have a few headaches, no cramps really, and I have major night sweats. I was nauseous all day today, and at work I had to keep rosemary by my nose to help me feel better. I've taken 7 pregnancy tests and all were negative. But for some reason I just feel like I am pregnant like intuition wise, weird I know but My mom says if I don't start by Monday then she's taking me to the dr. could I still have a chance of being pregnant or not?
New Member
Aug 26, 2009, 11:25 AM
I am in the same boat, I am over 2 weeks late and have done 6 hpt different brands and they all are negative. I was diagnosed with PCOS over a year ago, and even with that my periods have always been regular. I have a 7 year old daughter and when pregnant with her was the only time in my life with no period. So frustrating and confusing. I have a dr appt this Monday coming up. So let's see what happens.
New Member
Sep 22, 2009, 09:24 PM
I am going through the same thing, was suppose to start on Aug 7, and still haven't as of now, Have had slight cramping off and on like I was getting ready to start, but the cramps were very mild, I have taken 3 hpt and all were negative, my breast are a little tender, I have a bloated feeling and can't button any of my pants. I haven't been stressed or anything, so I don't know what's going on. I'm 33 and have a 10 year old daughter.
New Member
Sep 4, 2010, 02:08 AM
Hi I'm 24, 1 yr. married... I also have the same problem I miss my period for about 4 days now I have done some pregnancy test 2 times already but its all negative but I really feel some symptoms such as: lower back pain, light blood in my panty straight 3 days very small I don't even use a panty liners, sore in my nipples, and some pain like during having period and I feel so tired always... I never miss my period in my whole life just this month and I never use some birth controls I'm sure I'm not stress I'm working its only part time 4 hrs. a day I feel now so confuse and frustrated because we really want to have a baby... advice plsss
New Member
Sep 4, 2010, 02:08 AM
Hi I'm 24, 1 yr. married... I also have the same problem I miss my period for about 4 days now I have done some pregnancy test 2 times already but its all negative but I really feel some symptoms such as: lower back pain, light blood in my panty straight 3 days very small I don't even use a panty liners, sore in my nipples, and some pain like during having period and I feel so tired always... I never miss my period in my whole life just this month and I never use some birth controls I'm sure I'm not stress I'm working its only part time 4 hrs. a day I feel now so confuse and frustrated because we really want to have a baby... advice plsss
New Member
Dec 14, 2010, 10:33 AM
I'm going through the same thing, my period is 11 days late and I've had 6 negative tests and one that my doctor did, I've already got two little girls and I'm sure that I'm pregnant because my period has never been this late before and I've got a strange dragging feeling in the bottom of my stomach that doesn't go away. Please help me because I'm going out of my mind!
New Member
Dec 26, 2010, 01:13 PM
Hi I'm bethan I'm 21 I have been trying for nearly over 2 years for a baby and now I've missed my period it been 3 weeks now I took the test 25/12/2010 and it came out negative I'm having intercourse every other day so I can get pregnant but test kept coming up negative but it the first for me to miss 3 weeks now because my periods are regular please can you help I do have thyroid's but they can't Stop me being Pregnant but I do have Tender breast's but not All the Time. But I do have enlarged breast's since I missed my Period and I Get Cramp but Pregnancy test keep saying Negative
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