New Member
Jan 3, 2008, 04:48 PM
18 days late with period.Negative Pregnancy tests!
I was suppose to start my period on December 16th. I have never had irregular periods or even started late. My cycle is exactly 30 days. I did have unprotected sex several times during the end of November and all throughout December. I haven't had to many common pregnancy symptoms. Although I have experienced a lot of strange sensations in my lower abdomen, ill get a cramping feeling followed by a feeling of intense pressure. My breasts also seem a little swollen and my apetite has increased and then when I do eat I feel nauseated:( Does this sound like pregnancy?? Im skeptical because of the negative pregnancy tests results but I know that sometimes the hcg hormone isn't released until later in the pregnancy it depends on the person. If anyone has any feedback please let me know! Thanks!! :)
New Member
Apr 3, 2009, 12:41 AM
I know this is an old post but I am answering anyway.I am 18 days late too. My first child I was 8 weeks before I had a positive test.
New Member
Jun 9, 2009, 06:21 PM
I am also 18 days late and have had several negative urine tests. I am waiting on a blood test I had today. I'm not sure what to think. I am supposed to have my results back in two days. They are also checking my thyroid and glucose levels.
New Member
Oct 26, 2011, 11:21 PM
Hi there peeps
Well I'm having the same problem,
I got my last periods sept 9 &10 so was suppse to get them oct 9 but late..
So today is oct 27 and still nothing..
Also I took three HPT all negative...
Can someone tell me what can it be ?
New Member
Nov 10, 2011, 08:28 PM
Does anyone know their results yet? My last period was Sep 22nd. I have taken 2 pregnancy tests, both negative. Should I go to the doctor?
New Member
Jul 13, 2012, 03:11 PM
I see these posts are old.. can people please advise what the outcome was for them. I am 18 days late and still getting negative pregnancy results. I am trying to get pregnant and was using OPK to test for ovulation.. according to the OPK test I took.. I would be almost 7 weeks pregnant now.. but no positive test result... I don't know if I can be drinking alcohol or not.. I don't know if I am crazy to think I could be pregnant.. help
New Member
Aug 11, 2012, 07:19 AM
Kya period 10 days late ho sakta hai?
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