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The word H57 appears on screen and the T.V. SHUTS DOWN what does it mean
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Mt television set is already old when I turn it on there's a word H57 and a green bar appearing on the screen and then it shuts down. What is the problem with my set?
Shut off valve for outside spigot shuts my hot water off inside?
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My acer aspire 5720 continues to not operate. It shuts down,goes to a blue screen et
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My computer is not working correctly. It shuts down goes to blue screen & won't let me operate it ike it should. On entering password it will go aspire screen and show message th windows vista has recoverd from an unexpected shutdown. The blue circle will sit and spin and nothing will happen. It...
Blue screen then shut down
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Hi.I have a problem with my acer aspire notebook keeps shutting down a blue screen appears with lots of writing which is too fast for me to read then it shuts down this happens a few times a day.a couple of times there's been a high pitched noise, a bleeping.its quite frightening.can you...
XP Automatically Shuts Down At The Login Screen!
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Dear; I've Got An Error In My PC That Whenever I Enter Password At The Logon Screen. It Shuts Down Without Any Prompt Screen.Please Suggest Me A Solution. Thanks View more questions Search