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Racist comment on Facebook
[ 11 Answers ]
Someone used my phone to make racist comment in a group on Facebook on my account, as soon as I saw this I deleted it, but now the police are involved I rung them up and explained and they said they are looking into it, I haven't done anyhting wrong! What will happen next
Can people sue me because of Facebook comment?
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Can somebody sue me because of Facebook comment?but I didn't curse on my comment in Facebook I did say she's a disease and I put her name
I can't comment to posts to my Facebook.
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The comment area is grayed out and will not allow me to comment. HELP!
Facebook - When I comment on something I can only type in one line
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When I want to comment on something someone wrote, I can only write a line when it jumps Into another box and this next box has no label (SHARE) for me to get it posted. I hope I'm clear enough. If Ms. Jones writes it's cold out and I want to write she should take that trip to Florida for the... View more questions Search