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Graphic Card
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Can this graphic card ( gts250 e-green 1024mb gddr3 256b crt dvi hdmi) work with this system -cpu amd athlon64 x2 4000 box, socket am2, brisbane,2100mhz -ram pc-6400, 1024mb, ddr2 , cruical, 800mhz x2 -mbo msi k9n neo-f, nforce 550, ddr2, sound, s-ata, g-lan, pci -e , s. Am2 Old...
Graphic Card Update? HELP
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I currently have a Pci Express x16 x16 Slot. With a Geforce 8500 GT Graphics card and I want to upgrade. Can you tell me which of these are the best choice? For overal? ...
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I have a hp pavilion slimline desktop s3700f and I can't find what bit I can use. I found 32 bit followed by service pack one and the vista program but I could no find anything for 32 bit graphic cards so I think I made a mistake. What kind of bits can I use for it? I know it has to be low profile...
Graphic Card
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Hey there :) I'm just trying to find an update for nvidia geforce mx/mx 400, but don't know how. Can anybody find for me new update. Thanks :-=):) View more questions Search